They were powerful hunters and were feared throughout many lands. Your witches mark is of greenish brown color and shaped like a ring. Giant Crocodile would work perfectly for Sarcosuchuses (Sarcosuchi?). They are lead by a single crovic who is their chieftain; the chieftain usually has conquered a great beast, or has committed a great deed. Size. The only thing I dont like about this creature is that if a target is grappled by the Croc then subsequent bite attacks should be auto-success, The only thing I don't like about this creature is that if a target is grappled by the Croc then subsequent bite attacks should be auto-success. Crovics typically have a lifespan equivalent to that of humans. Aligatorian's vary widely in height and build, from 6-8' tall. I'd take away the auto-damage, and I'd specify that you don't need a free hand to use the grapple. Crocodile Armor. The dark magic was a sort of magical pollution, spread from a variety of wizards, warlocks, sorcerers, and other spellcasters, corrupting their bodies and turning them into the beasts they are now. -Last words of Deer Stoves, Human Wilderness Survivalist. Actions. I rocked up late to the first session with an unread rulebook and a human bard called Nick Jugger. After all, hexlings look for the most part just like any other human. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.Languages. Note: This is a port of a homebrew creature, made by 'Silly Squid Squad', into a race. On a failed save, you may ask one of the following questions: What is their motive? Size: Arcosians Base form may be anywhere between 4-5ft in height however in their larger forms have been known to be as big as 12ft tall. The one thing that unites the people from all these different races is that, sooner or later, some of them decide to become adventurers. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. As a hexling, you were raised like a human. Where up until now, they were highly unlikely to be discovered, this is the time when their inherited powers first make themselves visible, alongside some other eventual traits. Their additional 5 feet of reach means that, if you equip one with a reach weapon of some kind and the Sentinel feat, they become virtually unmatched at controlling the battlefield. In that case I would echo everyone else suggesting the Lizardfolk race. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. BerkaykarsliYou are making a lot of assumptionsLike that just because you ask for a crocodile that means that you, regardless of class/subclass will get oneAlso the wording suggests you think they HAVE to.You are incorrect.You can ASK (not TELL) you DM if they might consider it. Any creature that touches the phoenix or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) fire damage. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Ability Score Increase. You have a lightly green or blue undertone to your skin. Your hair has a slightly green or blue undertone. Healthy aligotarians can live up to 225 years. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the crocodile can't bite another target. Curious, analytical, and joyous, gnomes tend to delight in life and the exploration of its mysteries. All rights reserved. Should be at least 13, Give them the ability to go into a death roll and be able to twist off limbs! Elf: Elves are quick and gain Perception proficiency, making them suitable candidates for Dnd races 5e like fighter, monk, ranger, and rogue. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target not grappled by the werecrocodile. Did they try to deny it or did they accept and lean into it? Language. Blackbando's Homebrew Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. As such they tend toward names that contain strong S, T, K, SH and Z sounds. Witch Legacy. Decided I'd share it with this lovely community in case anyone is looking for some new races to mess with. Ability Score Increase. Ability Score Increase. They have a reptilian layer of scales that cover their bodies and a large snout that conceals rows of dangerously sharp teeth. Witch Legacy. Hexlings might not have an innate tendency toward evil, but a lot of them end up there as a result of the expectations and prejudice they grow up with. They have a reptilian layer of scales that cover their bodies and a large snout that conceals rows of dangerously sharp teeth. When you go to sleep you can once per long rest choose to pry into the dreams of a creature within 60 feet of you. but getting old as a carnivorous race is a nice twist incorporating real crocs getting quite old themselves. 2023 Wizards. While many races are quick to assume the Crovics are idiotic savages, they could not be more wrong. "Why?" They do not have any hair, no matter their gender, and have scale-covered tails, which can be up to a foot long. They rarely live beyond 40 years. They don't like big homes that were inherited as much as they prefer living life through self-achievement. The death roll's attack bonus is the same as the bite and it does one more die of damage. Additionally, you are naturally adapted to cold climates, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Masters Guide. Bite. Search forums Chat/Discord. Sea Hags were found in and along the shores of the sea where they would lure people into the water to drown them. Whichever the case, once in a while in a bloodline like this, a child may be born as something not quite human. Naturally gregarious, potbellied, and fond of lifes simple comforts, not many Halflings forgo the luxuries of home for a life as an adventurer. This makes them ideally suited to the Barbarian or Fighter class, although they are surprisingly adaptable. one other language appropriate to the character, How To Make Custom & Homebrew Character Backgrounds for DnD 5e, Everything You Need to Know About Difficult Terrain in DnD 5e, A Complete Guide to the Monk's Flurry of Blows in DnD 5e, Gifts of the Gods: A Guide to Epic Boons in DnD 5e, Gear Guide: DnD 5e Magic Gauntlets for Every Tier of Play, Weapon and armor proficiencies great for adding survivability to casters, Could be tough to break out of the Classic Fantasy Dwarf mold when roleplaying, Drow in particular get great innate spellcasting, Advantage on all saving throws vs. magic is insanely powerful, The objectively best choice for bards and other charisma-based classes, Relentless Endurance is hugely impactful at lower levels, Way more interesting to roleplay than half-elves, Pick the Ghostwise if you resent the idea of being a jolly little hobbit, A Feat at 1st level is absolutely top tier, Or at least, it was until Custom Lineage came out, Fun, demonically driven roleplaying opportunities, Shame about all the infernal lineages getting axed by MotM. They cite numerous obvious differences, namely their tough bodies, long snouts, and stronger tails. Crocodilians take pride in their race and will take great offense to those mistaking them as lizardfolk. Their scales can be dark tan, dark green, grey, pale yellow, or jet black . They are frequently mistaken as overly-muscular lizardfolk with their thick tails and reptilian appearance. They arent necessarily the offspring of a celestial and a humanoid, although that can be the case; some aasimar are created when a mortal is infused with divine power. With the addition of kobolds as a playable race in D&D 5e, there is a whole new avenue for roleplaying and storytelling that playing a monster brings to the table. Centaurs from the Feywild have a mystical connection to the natural world. Tail Swipe (Crocodile or Hybrid Form Only). Alignment. Hippo's huge mouths consist of lips that are 2 feet wide and teeth that can bite a 10 foot crocodile in half. Werecrocodiles, also known as Sebek-spawn, were lycanthropes whose animal form was that of a massive crocodile. Up until their 13th birthday, hexlings are in all senses just like humans, their hag like traits not settling in until then. Just like the humans they are raised among, hexlings typically learn the languages of other peoples they deal with, including obscure dialects. Alignment. The phoenix can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. You have 60 ft. of Darkvision. What makes them different, is in their heritage, for somewhere far back their family's bloodline were sullied by a hag. Witch Legacy. Lizardfolk. Amphibious. For survival, they were forced to retreat further into the swamps, and lost their homes, as well as the ways of life of when they served their god of the Nile. Once you use this trait, you can not use it again until you finish a short or long rest.Water Dweller. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Depending on subrace, which sort of hag their bloodline comes from, this mark looks different in shape and color. Given their rarity and the different mechanical assumptions made about them however, theyve been moved over into the second half of this article. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Sleep spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Place Windows and Place Doors is available to all Plus and Pro subscribers. Attributes. Your Intellect and Dexterity scores increase by 1. Instead of Sylvan, you can speak, read and write Infernal. It must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. This section deals with the nine character races found in the Players Handbook, which include humans and iconic nonhuman races that have been a part of D&D since the earliest edition of the game, like elves, dwarves, and halflings (although Gary Gygax repeatedly swore that Tolkein wasnt an influence on the game) as well as some other, more exotic options. Anthropomorphic cat people endowed with all the grace, agility, and speed that entails the Tabaxi are children of a divine being from the upper planes known as the Cat Lord. Nomadic turtle folk who carry their homes on their backs and live up and down the coasts of the material plane. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. Other Kenku believe their species excellent memories are a gift and speak to their destiny to witness and record as many of the universes wonders as possible. If the 40+ options for playable races dont offer enough variety or perhaps youre a dungeon master looking to create playable races for your homebrew setting then the Custom Lineage rules from Tashas Cauldron of Everything are a new way to create balanced legal characters who arent based on an existing race. Werecrocodiles might also assume a hybrid form with the head of a crocodile and the body of a muscular human. Humanoid crocodiles that lurk in swamplandsAbility Score Increase. The lizardfolk have some racial traits. (Yes, before hexbloods). You have a fascination things others find repulsive - death, disgusting or ugly things, You like to collect bugs, lizards and/or frogs, You eat odd things, such as moss or grass, You cant help but stare a lot - people say your eyes are penetrating, You mutter rhyming curses under your breath when angry or annoyed, You prefer nature to society, animals to people, You hoard odd things you find interesting. The crocodile can hold its breath for 30 minutes. If youre playing a standard dragonborn from the Players Handbook, then the +2 Charisma bonus along with some added Strength makes dragonborn especially good candidates for the Paladin class. It does slashing damage instead of piercing because that's how a crocodile tears apart its prey, they can't chew. Did they or their family know what they are, or were they completely unaware? Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2 . Also, the Celestial Revelation that all Aasimar receive at 3rd level can be a lynchpin of a character build, not to mention increase your damage output noticeably. They stared back with wide eyes, for the way his voice boomed, the way his eyes glow, it was not natural. Whatever could there be for him to look out for that he had not seen before? Revenge for how they treated her, how they chased her.". The ability of Goliaths to reduce incoming damage makes them one of the more durable races to play, meaning theyre well-suited to playing a Fighter or Barbarian. Thank you to my Patreons and friends for support and feedback. Other Benefits: Rage Beyond Death is an ability this subclass gains at advanced . You, rolling for Fluffy the croc: okay he hits and does x damage. Halflings are nimble, courageous, and possess reserves of luck far larger than their small physiques (which allow them to reroll natural 1s on any ability check, attack roll, or saving throw). These small, reptilian humanoids became a playable race in Volo's Guide to Monsters. The two-headed crocodile can hold its breath for 15 minutes. In battle, Minotaurs unarmed strikes are fearsome, making them powerful brawlers and unarmed fighters. You even look just like them, in all ways, any traits given by your heritage vague enough that its easily explained away. Examples: Takika, Zaza, Gotakak, Roakat Aligotarian Traits . From Monster Manual, page 320. Crovic names come from an ancient tradition, that, while they could use regular names, they prefer to use their tribal names. On the material plane, the Aarakocra made their homes in treetops high in the mountains. Due to this, they get along well with Lizardfolk, and other tribal races, however they don't get along the best with other more judgemental races. They see the world as a place of predators and prey, where life and death are natural processes. Dungeons & Dragons vs. Rick and Morty: Basic Rules; 2020. Unlike most hags, they shun combat, and prefer defending themselves with tricks of the mind to escape. Yuan-ti range from being nearly human (pureblood) to snakes with arms (abomination). However, your aquatic nature means you must consume twice the liquid of a normal Medium sized creature. Take a look at the beastmaster subclass. They are fond of sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from other tongues: Orc curses, Elvish musical expressions, Dwarvish military phrases, and so on. Tail. Hold Breath. The Crovic's mastery of the spear have allowed them to use spears, javelins, and tridents as though they had the finesse property. Darkvision. Kobolds tend to stand about 3 feet tall and have long, snout-like faces somewhere between a dog and a monitor lizard with scaly skin and red eyes that glow in torchlight like an alligator. Your bite is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. Your nails have unnatural strength and can be used as natural weapons when making unarmed strikes. The crocodile makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail. Misc Creature, Environment: Natural Liar. If you want to know more about changeling the 5e race, then please go ahead and read the article . Name Ability Size Source. Those who wish vengeance for their Nile may choose an evil alignment.Size. Their belly, hands, and lower jaw are covered in white scales. The crocodile can hold its breath for 15 minutes. Eladrin are a subrace of elves native to the Feywild. You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic. THE WICKED thing was burnt last week. First, consider where your hexling grew up. Yuan-Ti blend poison resistance with innate spellcasting and an (unsurprising) affinity for snakes which, depending on the campaign youre in, could see you collect a seriously sizable snake army. Powerful Build. If you're playing a lizardfolk with . They get Abyssal and Draconic as their additional languages, as well as natural Darkvision, all of which can be useful in exploration or role-playing. Drow: Drow quadruples the range of the Elf's usual Darkvision and gives them a Charisma boost. I played my first tabletop RPG (Pathfinder 1e, specifically) in college. Cursed by an ancient sin a deal struck between their forefathers and a prince of the Nine Hells tieflings are doomed to forever be outsiders in the worlds of mortals, feared and mistrusted; for whether its horns, a forked tongue, or dark-red skin, they wear their lineage where others can see it.
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