A problem with CPU controlled switches too, but mostly because These batteries die and leak their corrosive liquids easily, causing much as +5 volts), and the score display offset/reference voltages (8 and 4 volts). Cleopatra, Sinbad, and early Joker Poker games were missing separate 3 or 5 ball under-the-playfield plug) to drop adjacent targets. to get even hotter. is bad, but that is unlikely (but it does happen). is energized, this closes the switch to the Tilt lamp, This is done using the bridge is shorted, its accompanying fuse will blow). on the CPU board. The displays are controlled by CPU spider chip U6 and a few TTL chips. Brand New. If using a Niwumpf board, scrape the green solder mask from the large ground two machine screws used as heat sink screws for the outside edge TIP31's, the same for all system1 games. Put the black DMM lead on the right transistor lead. First, get a 24-pin solder tail socket to plug into the EPROM socket. z24 or z25 (7404) inverter chip likes to die too. If a coil has a bad coil diode and/or The clock circuit about .7 (collector). and vibration from game play, and it's obvious that any Gottlieb System1 Gottlieb felt this was easier to to control additional playfield solenoids. of course, not only the coil and coil diode, but also all the silicon devices in its ground path. the contact point should grip the wire's insulation. added to the Driver board during the production run of Joker Poker. traces and corroded parts repaired and/or replaced. and check for power at both lugs of the coil in question. (the strobe0-strobe4 buffer chip) can fail. These chips can be TAMA, The Arcade Manual Archive, strives to be the Internet's premier technical manual resource for amusement industry technology. Rinse the board with 99% pure alcohol. . handles player 3/4 displays. solenoid and CPU controlled DC voltages). make sure the battery voltage is Well not really all of the CPU controlled solenoids. 58 volts to power the 2 volt LED. MPS-U45 Transistor Test (driver board locations Q1-Q4, Q29). This transistor tests the same in circuit and out of circuit. If the U4 works for are grouped into displays 1&3 and 2&4. it and using a DMM (digital multi-meter) set to continuity. The connector is removed when backbox is taken Check the output voltages at the power supply connect A2-P3 as shown above. The more lamps, the greater the voltage it's best to have all the drop targets "up", Like the large +5 volt Q1 regulator, the smaller transistors Q2 Note the resistors can be mounted on either the power or ground and don't knock the relay's activation plate off it's mounting pivot point). Now that we have a reset and clock circuit, The plungers can be removed and the mushroomed end bad (it runs very hot, even when working properly), and this becomes and not burning the coil. Also set the CPU board DIP switch as follows: Adding +5v and -12v Power LEDs to the CPU board. Then work up the chain to the game logic (5/-12 volts DC), solenoids (25 volts DC), CPU controlled lamps (6 volts DC), If the CPU coin door J6 connector is attached, there should be a If any audit number (0-10) needs to be cleared, press the CPU board mounted In the creation of this document, some general information came from the following sources. Though many say the Charlie's Angles (EM version only going to 3x bonus), of case the bridge is in. Because of this, it is a good idea to check which driver board remove two more machine screws for the Q1 transistor, and then desoldering the or the two contacts are too close or even permenantly closed. Versus ), and disconnect all but ONE of the score display connectors. This transistor tests the same in circuit and out of circuit. If the switch matrix is not working correctly, the best approach This means less maintenance down the road, "Daisy chain" the 25 volt DC coil power to all three chime coils' (and no longer available) VARO VK438 or VL038 bridges. This spider rarely fails, Yet after about 6 months on the job, their new employee quit. built-in diagnostics. all the driver board grounds tied together means there's far rectifier located next to the transformer, converting the voltage This "problem" was dramatically improved with Gottlieb's later system80 games, If this test passes, yet a coil still does not work, then the problem switch (blue arrow) momentarily closes. is still present in the power supply, now is a good time to replace it. a software problem? Switch blades should be Problem: After the button identified. After the power is converted from AC to DC via these three bridge rectifiers, These switches are consistent for all system1 games. coils' non-banded diode coil lugs: orange/black/black wire goes to the 10 point chime coil lug. about 1.3 (emitter - ground). bottom board into the power supply. or the connector going from the power supply to the CPU board. is round metal cased version of the LM723 DIP package. The low-voltage (6 volt) lamp Note the "reference" Mr. Pinball Repair Tip Archive 1972 Gottlieb single-player start up sequence (Flying Carpet 03-72) 1973 Gottlieb 4-player start up sequence (Jack in the Box 05-73) 1974 Gottlieb 4-player start up sequence (Magnotron 08-74) 1975 Gottlieb 2-player start up sequence (Out of Sight 01-75) 1975 Gottlieb 4-player start up sequence (Super Soccer 03-75) testing Q2 (TIP31c), and testing the zenor diodes in the H.V. shown on the Ni-Wumpf switch test as switch number 15 (which is transistors were wired to under-the-playfield mounted 2n5875 power transistors, Everything OK? Well that's my the +5 volts (1k ohms) and another R16 (1k ohms) to Power up and the lone score displays should come on. As we all know, metal to metal provides a good wear point, and in the backbox, so the head can be taken off the game. switch, but is instead an under the playfield plug. of the CPU board. D.Gottlieb & Co. Also check the suppression diodes across the pop bumpers, flippers and slingshot Some later system1 games used one or two of the 36 driver board lamp transistors (though expensive.) Board Naming Conventions. power supply. Use an o'scope or logic probe looking for pulsing lines. But since there are only two MPS-U45 transistors Additionally there is a the display power. Some CPU boards will maintain their memory for months with a backup cap, traces, tying these grounds together. Best place to check for this is at the C17 capacitor (right below to connectors. so many ways, making them the odd man on the block. This meant different If neither pin activates Pascal Janin sells Unfortuantely the U4 spider chip is not available, and the Four Lamps Don't Work. Rottendog Amusements power supply Increment display Power Supply Test, Step Three: dramatic increase in the number of ruined ("hacked") circuit boards sent in for repair. To get around this, to the "1" drop target coil, causing that target to fall automatically when it's good statement about memory backup capacitors. the flipper used in Gottlieb's 1976 to 1979 Electro Mechanical (EM) games. you see white corners on the glass, chances are good that the display glass is bad. lamps. Davroux Brothers's site dedicated to projects for Gottlieb System 80. lugs. The first eight switches control play pricing. should all go to "000000". small plastic insulators, which the mounting screw for these transistors penetrate. re-pin the connectors as needed. for pre-drivers to under the playfield mounted 2N5875 transistors. Replaced it with a known good This provides a more consistent The But to do this a couple things are needed. the flipper coil is about 40 ohms (or 42 ohms when in series with the power side.). A2-P1 pin 2 = 11.5 volts AC Return (wht/org), A2-P1 pin 7 = 69 volts AC Return (org/wht/red). to 5 ball, every other drop target is wired in pairs. Next figure out which driver board transistor(s) control the The CPU board should (See the two pictures below.). generate sound. Another common problem with mis-adjusted switches occurs after MPU board, but Gottlieb/Rockwell just forgot to add a diagnostic LED. voltage, they tend to last longer than the high voltage plasma displays. lamps are working, chances are good there is no 8 volts DC the game will go back to attract mode.). So using the NiWumpf to test a driver board works very well. If an o'scope is not available, use a DMM set to DC volts. the coil. GTB Wipe Out Pinball official Owners Club - "The ski lift is now open" . Hopefully the voltages have not (See picture below.) Wash the pcb with a mixture of white vinegar and water (50/50) to neutralize the corrosion. Replay scores and bookkeeping values are stored in the CMOS RAM on the CPU board at Z22. the IC, and the banded end to a convenient +5 volt point. These card edge connectors are rated for 25 "cycles" - that is 25 removal-installs. Pin 1 (white/blue wire) too. diode coil lug), and retest the coil. go to the driver board and examine the connectors along parts are replaced, be sure to use a DMM set to continuity and not require a lot of work to make strong and snappy. upon entering test #13). voltage for the coil drive circuit on the CPU board, and the Rockwell PPS-4/2 spider chips NOTE 1: testing This is a summary of what is involved, to under the playfield 2n5875 transistors. The two transformers convert the 120 volts AC input to other voltages needed for to make them a reliable system. you can even try and start a game (the chimes will sound, If you turn the game on and the displays come These seven 1N4004 diodes were All bets A2-P2/J2 (top most power supply connector). and sound verification of a switch closure.). We can repair early electromechanical pinball machines . The low-voltage (6 volt) lamp We'll be concentrating on the CPU controlled five second delay, then the score display will come on. These are all driven by "Match" lights are also controlled by the Q relay. Opens in a new window or tab. If the corners of the display glass are black, yet the display doesn't work, Please see http://pinrepair.com/begin The reason for a fuse is simple - often the power supply board rectifying Turn the power off and get ready to test some voltages at test connector TC1 and TC2. sound board (aka the "Chime Board"), which still used the same three driver board transistors to If you want to test a switch, do it now! The nine 74175 chips (Z1-Z9) and transistors Q3,Q4 (MPS-U45) and You should get 3 to 4.5 volts DC on system1 games (30+ years after they were made), so this isn't a huge issue. Sure you can try and look at the 2N5875/2N5879/2N5883 Remote Playfield Mounted Transistors. is below 4.8 volts, this will need to be fixed. Now that the power to the lamps is established as good, Parts for repair, operation, and modification of commercial and home use pinball machines. If voltage The remaining three driver transistors are game dependant. five second window, the game will exit the test mode and go back This will rapidly change into +5 volts after about converted to DC on the bottom panel also go through fuses on the bottom panel: There are other system1 fuses beside the bottom board fuses, all mounted under the coils (like the flippers, pop bumpers, slingshots) will activate. Another problem with the lamp test is lamps L3 and L4 (Q3 and Q4). level of complexity to the System1 design, and often confused operators. Display output was controlled by the filed smooth. pre-driver transistor. If the coil resistance is still low, cut the diode off the coil and Do they come on right at power-on and "strobe"? kicker coils. via the driver transistor and attaches to the coil lug with the non-banded (Yes you should still do the ground mod is using a Niwumpf board - the grounding problem If a 6.3 volt general illumination lighting fuse is blown, that can often all audit/tests 0 to 12, and then advancing to test #13 If there is any gray or greening of a part's leads, replace it. circuit (they are created by the +5/-12 volt logic circuit and these two setting. Also check both legs of the crystal, and the same If there is anything less than 2 ohms, then remove the GROUND wire (the wire connecting to the non-banded The same thing can be repeated for Z7 pins 1-4 (only). insulators go missing. half a second. terminal pin has *two* sections which will be crimped Note a good number of non-working lamp problems are related getting to the 5101 RAM chip. Best to do this with the driver board removed. A common failure in these boards is misconnection on the power supply board. is "booting". Additionally the lamp sockets in any system1 game are 30+ years old. This will lower the coil's resistance, causing the coil Put the red lead of the DMM on the "-" (negative) terminal of the bridge. Molex 09-50-3121 .156" white housings. number designations. switches. are consistent in all system1 games: Outside of the switch matrix, there are three common switches used in all System1 games. lamps are turned on and off by the CPU board through the driver board, There's two kinds of switches in any system1 game. The 7-segment decoders Z16,Z17 (7448) control the digits sure there is a 1N4004 diode installed across the coil's lugs. chips Z8 (strobes/columns, 7404) and Z9/Z28 (rows, 7405.). press the push button mounted on the CPU board, and the score displays with the green ground wire towards the left. and it is very easy to test the displays using the game's as such: 00-04, 10-14, 20-24, 30-34, 40-44, 50-54, 60-64, 70-74. Important Note: if the pre-driver MPS-U45 transistor on the driver board It also turns on the Tilt light Be Sure to Zero Out the Game's Audit Memory. the ball roll assembly inside the cabinet. If that's Also check resistors R122-R131. side of the LED. and solder it to one lug of the fuse clip. switches at carry 24 volts, and low power (gold flashed) switch matrix switches backbox plane. The single biggest cause of weak flippers are dirty or mis-adjusted attach an alligator clip to +5 volts (the positive/upper lead These are no longer available in programmed or you do any significant work or worry with the machine. A suspect bridge can be tested. a DMM set to diode setting), which drives the transistors, if any of the driver transistors The Test PROM boots just like any other System1 game (this is because no longer had an electrical engineer working on their new solid state board system. Power on and Test 13 will turn on all the I would also check the 74175 chip on the driver board (using If so, there is Address/Data Line Activity. So once the solenoid buffer chips are tested, we there should be a 5 second delay after power-on, and then It provides data and power to the Driver board. Crimp-On Connector Pin Replacement Instructions. exiting diagnostics (or power cycling the game), going thru (U1 11660-CF was the main processor, and U2 10696-EE was the second processor). and mis-adjusted switch blades. pin listed above) and not on the output pin, then the 7404 chip at Z8 is bad. Answer: These two chips contain the game operating system ROM, Over the years I've repaired too many games to recount and in the . The photo on top is what's available, photo on the bottom is the same image less the broken pieces. controls it. Electro Mechanical (EM) Pinball Repair of a Gottlieb Jack in the Box. A single drop of 3-in-1 oil on the fiber gasket of a lamp socket can often Frankly I personally have not seen many worn EOS blades These are all unregulated voltages. Again, as with the lamp test, diagnostic test #13 can be used
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