But Mr Virgo blew it out quick!!!! The Positives. But the trust did take time. Sex is rare for them when they are like this. The physical relationship waa incomparable I dont think the relationship with my Virgo will ever be that way. But he has a girlfriend. Ive learned how to ignore him and with me doing that, it makes things a lot better. One of the signs that a Virgo man should marry is a Scorpio woman. Likewise the sharp intelligence of Virgo will woo the lady. Although he can be selfish, I love him very much and we have amazing chemistry together. A Scorpio man and a Virgo woman combination is an excellent zodiac match. Its only been a few months, but I can honestly say that when he tells me Im beautiful, I can feel that he genuinely means it! It's a capricorn woman relationship. So I, as a virgo, will be on her side for the rest of my life. A Scorpio woman is the sexiest, most powerful, and most mysterious of the twelve signs of the zodiac. If there is something Scorpio would like to fight for, it is the chastity of Virgo. He was so good at putting on a confident face! but the make up sex is off the chain jane!!! I really got strong feelings towards her and its pain for me to not see me and I kept an eye on her, I already seen lot of guys sheve been through but she failed she got a fight with her current bf, and ive been always there to console her sadness, shes far from me but sometimes she goes to our friend and meet up there she showed some signs of getting close together but I really got clouded by assumptions and let myself guard down and got a plan to tell her how much I love her but with her bf got back to soon and now I was pretty devastated but thanks to my friends I got back and got a good plan, to tell her than wait for another centuries (not really) and by the way she and her bf were afar like LDR I need advice from you guys since you got really long relationship with your scorpio women I dont know if shes into me or love me , but I really showed a lot of actions and efforts already other than telling her how much I love her Do I have to tell her before her bf will got to see her or not? Even though Scorpio can be too rough of Virgo, making them feel . Be yourself n let the mystery of Scorpion energy pulled him in. Its been mind games on both of our ends and a constant struggle to see who has the upper hand. I couldnt respect him as a man towards the end. I cant even explain what this duo means to me as a Scorpio woman. I cant believe I found a guy like this. I have been with my Virgo man for 6 years. He told me to call him, & I opened his message. Is there anyone who can help me out ? I am a Scorpio woman who has been in a committed relationship with a Virgo man for 22 years, I was 24, he was 26 we both never wanted to get married so it worked out well for us, we also connected on every level over the years, one thing he didnt lack was confidence in bed, I was the shy and inexperienced one, although he was way more experienced than i were, he said before he met me he equated love making and sex as a purely physical need without emotional attachment, us Scorpio Women being the emotional being we are, was having none of that, so we both learned and experimented together, forming a natural connection that a lot of people till today 22 years later do not understand, dont get me wrong a Virgo man is very stubborn and set in his ways, so are Scorpio women,he analyzes and at times over analyze everything and I mean everything, Highly Intelligent, great communicator,brutally honest, judgemental, critical to not only me but to his parents and family members and holds himself and everyone he cares about to high standards, excellent work ethic, nagging, planning everything, hated surprises, he hated that I was spontaneous and did not understand how I did not plan anything, it used to drive me crazy, until I grew to truly understand him and brought him out of his shell, so hes able to express himself emotionally, they say Virgo men do not like PDA its true but when we are alone hes a man on fire, the same way they say a scorpio woman is misunderstood its the same with a virgo man, another thing I learned over the years was both of us need our own personal space on a daily so we decided on that, our bond or connection is extremely vast and continue to evolve on multiple levels, love, care, compassion, spiritually, sexually, emotionally, psychologically, chemically. I pray fervently and keep God before my relationship. The Virgo Man Scorpio Woman relationship has the potential to become a very passionate love match. For now, all we do is laugh and he is really romantic. Hes had his ups and downs financially & I at times have been his backbone. And this is after 6 years and a child together. Other than that, we click together like no one else Ive met before. He used to buy me roses every month just to show he cared! No matter what has happened in the past, whether ive hurt him or vice-cersa, weve both always come back to each other. If they want to commit, they will. To smooth out the rough patches of the relationship both need to understand . My mom knows everything. The Virgo man fears rejection, and this means that regardless of who ended the relationship if there is to be a second chance, it will be the woman who must face rejection. But depending the strength of their traits the two Zodiac signs can be quite compatible. Then after 2 months, things started going down hill. I just recently met a Virgo male who was lurking for me a Scorpion female. WHY GOD!!! Well he will care for you like a baby, and watch over like a bodyguard, he will help you, buy gift for you, even when you will say no, dont waste money, still he will continue to buy, till it pleases you, In bed,initially you must remind him, that a scorpion women (ususally dont speak their mind) is hot n passionate at sex, and never leave her half her half way in bed. This is not a sign you you play around or one where lies are accepted. The passion can come without such a heavy pricetag. Scorpio are deep and reserved, and attentive to concealed emotions and desires. I am a Scorpio/Sag but definitely identify more with Scorpio. I see you say 6 months, but how long ago was that 6 months? Trust me when it syas vir men are calming solution to the storms of a scopio woman. You havent been loved until you have been loved by a Scorpio woman. Im in the decision making to stick it out and make this work, or believe that perhaps our friendship wasnt right for a marriage? The problems that arise in this relationship are usually rather intimate, especially doubts. they hate sarcasim so watch what u say. They recognize this capacity for loyalty in . Likewise, a Scorpio's sensitivity may seem inexplicable to a hardheaded Virgo. This is partly because both the Taurus man and the Scorpio woman are drawn to security. So, earth and water go best, which are Scorpio and Virgo. Is the number one destination for online dating with more relationships than any other dating or personals site. It should not be hard and as a scorpio woman, i can tell you your girlfriend is not a good representation of the sign. Good luck! A Scorpio male is deeply emotional and has a sun sign noted for its extremes and intensity, as well as the need for privacy, power, control, passion, jealousy, and possession. She will immediately have a strong hold on the relationship as she appreciates him of being so loyal, faithful, geniuine and straight-forward. He will also admire the fact that she is so . He wrote me 3 paragraphs a day, very over the top, But I just thought he talked to everybody like that so I didnt think to much about it. He calms my fire which makes me feel safe and stable. He can persuade her through conversations to not allow her emotions to rule reason as well. As much as you all think virgos are subdued and not passionate, these two bring out the best and the worst in each other by lighting a massive raging emotional fire. And help him to come to be confident self? I am amazing and there you have it! I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE And my blood was boiling as I was watching this from across the room, even though I knew she did not we were dating, it didnt matter I was still boiling. She holds him in high regard. Virgo man and Scorpio woman have many lessons to teach one another if they are ready to share themselves. I still love him to death and am totally attracted to him, but he seems to have no emotions (which I didnt notice at first) and seems to have no attraction to me! I speak my feelings and thoughts, because Ive grown tired of leaving them for guessing to people I care about. While now. Where a huge possibility for love relationship. So my answer is yes. He begins to wonder what he is doing wrong, and start blaming himself. He knows just what to say to make me feel better and sometimes its just a simple sentence in a text. Scorpio can find Virgo's relentless realism a bit much and Scorpio's emotional intensity can overwhelm Virgo at times. Im talkative and confrontational, as opposed to what a Scorpio is usually portrayed as. We are best friends! Ive been with my Virgo man for 6 1/2 years, and have been married for close to three years. All the benefits outweight that cost. I guess I started noticing things. He cooks! You cant just be compatible tho you have got to be deeply in love. Virgos are intelligent and sharp, Scorpions are strong and determined, both will complement each other and . The lack of trust and honesty with Leo drives me bonkers. Long story short, its been a year since this has happened and so much has happened within that year that I feel like weve come full circle and repeated this cycle of being friends, playing games and just not being open and communicative about our feelings. I feel as though im the one protecting the family, rather than him. However, with commitment and force, it could yield needed results. i feel like i understand my womans emotions and why she feels that way so much clearer. I believed him! If only I could show the world how he is! You are both curious souls who don't shy away from the truth so you have much to explore together. . Our relationship is still very knew but i feel like i dont know how to handle his emotional ruts well. ^^. I hope it helps xoxo, sorry to hear about your troubles with your man. A Scorpio man is aware of . Their relationship will mainly be based on . Im totally enjoy being in cloud 9 with him **grinz**. You could not be more wrong about Virgo males. This helps a Scorpio woman find him attractive as it makes him chivalrous and supportive. Virgo Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility | Ask Oracle. The Scorpio woman is feeling worried about issues of reputation and standing. I really like my virgo, but will my jealous rampages work with him or anyone? Damn girl. I have a scorpio friend (male), and I liked him even before I realised he's a scorp! As a matter of fact, this is one of the traits that can bring them closer together. Hes fantastic with my son, and my little capricorn looks at him as his father now. The thing was I felt like he was waiting around for me. I have been dating a Virgo man for 4.5 years (we both graduated college together) he is 24 and I am 23. Your life will be long, powerful, and beautiful together if you can stay true to one another. The friendship might start off slow but the Scorpio zodiac sign is able to bring a world of passion to the Virgo and open him up to new ways of . Because Mark is a Virgo even tho he is 6 3 and a total badass Irish Stud who has kicked a lot of ass, he is soooo gentle and innocent by nature and has that Virgo feminine quality meaning he can hang with you like one of the girls and will go shopping and try on clothes and do facials manis n pedis & sit n talk for hours! He always checked to see how I was doing. again as a virgo male this helped me better understand my scorpio woman and im genuinely excited to start implementing this in my relationship. Start a health program or join a gym together. Im a Scorpio and I have been seeing a Virgo man, theres no denying that he is the sweetest guy Ive met. You are probably like, Oh SHUT UP ALREADY!!! If he does not have the money to wine and dine you, sexually, hes not there. He was fickle in his actions and it annoyed me, I was cryptic in my speech and it annoyed him. We laugh constantly. I am subject to a powerful and loving creature who is able to wrap around and be there for my Virgo man as much as possible, regardless of the zodiac. That alone already been more than enough for him. After all, together, Virgo man and Scorpio woman can accomplish a lot. I cant help it! We can easily talk on the phone for hours and when we are together he is so romantic. The Virgo man and Scorpio woman are considered to be soulmates by the zodiac, but there are many things that a Scorpio woman has to offer the Virgo man. I find him to be quite feminine in this way. A Virgo man and Scorpio woman relationship necessitates effort and understanding on both sides. So I could be looking for this information in any other sign website. This romance is not something that can be tamed, so as such, need to be pure and real and honest and with good intentions or else it will explode in a way you wont know how to deal with. ladies, if your issue with your man has ANYTHING to do with him not understanding your feelings u need to get him to listen to it. I wanna know virgo man can easily lie or only depends on person? No matter the pair, everything must be give and take. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I had been working with a leo boss and yea, he is practical and everything. Take a break from the draining pressures of your social circle. i am a scorpio woman who had just met a virgo male! Agreed to Stephanie some of the Virgos may seem unromantic. We are so deeply in love and bring each other so much growth and enlightenment. We are a mystery. Compatibility for wealth and family growth: Good. Since then, the only thing that was ever a problem was that, yes, his practicality and my emotions do tend to clash at times. All these make their relationship strong and more compatible and there is a great chance for the pair to experience a long and happy married life. The good things about this relationship. I work full time as well as go to school full time and in the 3+ years Ive been at my current job, I have also worked at three other jobs temporarily and donated plasma to get extra money because he is so unmotivated to get out there! You will never give up on each other either and that may be your strongest feature and your biggest source of failure later its hard to let go of so much but sometimes all that intensity clouds everything else in the world when all of it should be appreciated and guide you through a beautiful life with or without a partner. My instinct was telling me to be patient with him (its only been 3 weeksas I said, Im impatient and I want what I want, when I want it.) I am a Scorpio woman. scorpion women are amazingly strong & we know how to motivate. But it is so true there was not a romantic bone in his body.He loved to argue was afraid of commitment and could not keep up with me sexually. As much as I want to pursue a relationship with this Virgo man because this feeling I have has developed and he has been the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the only thing I think of before I go to sleep. When the scorpio woman and . Scorpios have a truly fun-loving personality that thrives off of excitement. Scorpio woman will like the Virgo man's witty humor, sharp mind, rhetorical skills. Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac, and the mutable earth sign is sextile, or two signs apart from Virgo, which can make for calm waters. Highly intuitive, he was in love is a virgo, love and. A Virgo man is wise and intuitive. Virgo Woman with Scorpio Man Love Compatibility, Virgo Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs, Scorpio Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs. But we still are friends. Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Compatibility in 2022. daine needs help, cheater..I never did and I have hundreds of offers from extremely attractive women. She respects him, care for him but if does anything wrong to her then he should get ready to face a deadly revenge. Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility. Keyword: Through. Subtle control issues may be the source of problems over time. I met a virgo male a year ago , i loved him off but our dating started out as a sexual relationship and it was amazing but then we had fights we overcame them but then he said im not what he needs , i m so broken hearted im a scorpio a very attractive petite girl , and hes the hottest virgo ive ever been with but he left me and i msged him so many times in a row asking why he left me what is the reason for him not wanting me ? So I dont know what his deal is.he tries to show me that he dosent talk to anybody but it just confuses more. A Virgo man is conventional and practical. Than a couple weeks ago he wanted to call me so we talked and we have a lot of things in common, We talked till 3 a.m. 2 weeks later we met up and he was very charming, cute, a gentlemen, but he started talking about his wedding one day in detail and he asked me how i wanted my wedding to be and I was like uhh in a church lol he is like too romantic. Most virgos are secretly insecure in one way or another, my virgo had a very deep insecurity inside of him that I wasnt aware of. My current relationship is coming into 3 yrs next week. Hope this helps! Scorpio Woman Virgo Man Relationship - Cons. Virgo man and Scorpio woman work hard towards parallel principles. im rooting for all of you ! The Scorpio woman meets her match in the Virgo man, and while the relationship is all about learning how to trust, share and express, they will both rise to the challenge, happily. I have never ever felt anything as intense and powerful as the lightning that strikes us when we are both in our happy zone. We met at a party of a friend of ours and he introduced himself as one of the Jonas Brothers. He is something else, unlike anyone else. Here are the zodiac signs ranked from most to least likely to have a successful long-distance relationship. Much can be smoothed over with physical intimacy. Virgo man and Scorpio woman are very much alike. I would say give it time and patience. He can effortlessly explore a situation and can be pretty critical regarding it, if needed. I was with a virgo man for 10 years he had a lot of good qualities, extremely intelligent and always there when I needed him. With steady prayer, hes back working & plans to do even better for himself. This is a relationship that can take some time getting up to speed, thanks to the fact that both the Scorpio woman and Virgo man have such a tremendous need for emotional control. Oh and there is no such thing as a perfect relationship, with that said its still very much blissful for the most part! We have a son together. <3. I say the meanest cruelest things when I have snapped and he has ran for his life many times! I must say, its so wonderful to read all the comments about Virgo man and Scorpio woman. Thus, their friendship is very compatible with enormous emotional support. It isnt easy at all. Related: Taurus and Taurus Love And Friendship Compatibility. Relationships should be hard. Heres to another 22 years of US. He has forgiven me after every Scorpio unleashing of insanity when I have really raged like a crazed banshee! While theyre not nearly as talkative as Virgos, Scorpios will find a kindred soul in this sign, as they both want to endlessly analyze and delve into lifes mysteries. Obsessed with perfection, he will think there is always room for improvement. Virgos are very careful and want to make sure of everything before committing. From that first night, I never spent a night without him and pretty much moved in with him naturally. Im married with a gorgeous scorpio woman more than 23 years. Updated on November 9, 2022. Now, we are both 22 & he contacted me through social media. And me . ( im not an affiliate or any connection at all ) its a dating advice channel but it is LOADED with so much useful info for men on understanding how women think. A stable and happy relationship can be achieved with consistent effort and dedication. I was making all the decisions. On the other hand, the Scorpio woman often behaves in a wild and untamed manner. A Scorpio woman will choose her friends and companions very carefully, and when she mates, she mates for life. It was amazing. Im a Virgo and my girlfriend is a Scorpio. It just depends on the person in the end. At times the Scorpio woman can prove to be a bit too temperamental for the Virgo. Virgo are plain and honest, and open up to others. This ended up in after 7 years of dating and getting married finding out my husband had a huge kinky secret that he didnt care to share with me so I felt I couldnt trust him. Best Scorpio Woman Leo Man Relationship Compatibility. Im also Scorpio rising and her moon is in Virgo, I think we could do some great things and we could learn a lot from each other but Im at the stage where I dont know whether to show her my true feelings or just continue to be there for her and not show everything. However, they believe trust is earned. Her and I have never got along but she just comes in and subs now so I rarely see her anymore. He does not even know that hes a virgo. Than he told me later that he saw a picture of me on facebook and saw that i was going to that camp, and that he went to the camp just to meet me. He is also sensational with details, a little fuzzy on the larger picture but true at heart. When with the woman in Scorpio, the Virgo man . He is very caring, highly critical and often painfully nagging. Virgo's perfectionism can sometimes feel befuddled with Scorpios ways.. Haha! I was starting to get discourage and just figured he wasnt in a place to start a relationship, but that was before I found out that he is a Virgo. Time spent together would reinforce both of your sense of self and stable reality. As i said, when his temper flares, it was like everyone walking on eggshell. Without doubt one of the best characteristics that help a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman get on and sometimes fall in love, is the fact that a Virgo man is very kind. A Scorpio female is very possessive of the man in her life and completely unwilling to share. The thoughts they are conveying dont seem to come through completely. ", Despite all their similarities, these two signs dont see eye-to-eye on everything, and unfortunately, those differences can cause tension. His outburst, you would not want to liaten any of that. he broke up with me and in the end he begged for a second chance but i wasnt gonna do all those things again.to say the least we broke up but were friends now, i figured itll be better if we stay as friends. He said he was a contractor, but hes a designer. No passion, no emotion. I am a beautiful Scorpio woman (inside & out) & I have a hella HOT & beautiful Virgo man! Virgos are realists, down to earth, flexible, resourceful . We totally make love and f-ck so intensely for hours I mean our tongues are so deep in each others mouth lapping away and sucking on lips its crazy. If its easy it aint good. It was fun working with him but sometimes he was the bane of my existence whenever he stressed out. he never responded and I am devastated I dono what else to do anymore !!!! Advise would be great! Virgo and Scorpio make a sextile aspect in astrology, which happens when two signs are 60 degrees apart.According to Monahan, this is a positive aspect that offers growth for each sign. He didnt pressure me, he made me feel very comfortable. The Virgo woman should be willing to give it a try. he appears cold because he cant find any logic behind your emotions. If they are unhappy with any area in their life, and you may have nothing to do with it; Example: FINANCIALLY OR JOB, they shut down sexually. 4. well.. dont even remember or it was. Scorpio woman has a good aspect . It should be noted that both Virgo and Scorpio personalities are demanding, although with different methods. How very true. Im a Scorpio women currently talking to a Virgo man. She always protects and rushes to her man when he is stuck and needs her support. As things began to unravel, I realized he wasnt the one. All rights reserved. Tradition and their love relationship i was in the scorpio virgo lovers are good pair. As astrologer Clarisse Monahan previously told Bustle, Scorpios have zero patience for wishy-washy folks. What an amazing journey we are on We have a beautiful house great animals including one crazy 15 lb cat Tabitha who insists on being on the bed when we are going at it! She was a complete asshole (still kinda is) very mean and disrespectful, ignorant, smart mouthed and much more. A Scorpio man possessive of a Virgo woman is one of the biggest causes of conflict in this relationship. Lol I bet it might sound silly, but Ive had other guys kiss me on my forehead & it was like okay, but when he did, it felt so passionate & meaningful. 12 Virgo man is under the influence of Mercury, while Scorpio woman is under the influence of Mars and Pluto. We are natural-born worriers, and are always stressed about perfection. Im a Virgo man and I feel unconditional love for a Scorpio woman, but I do not know if she feels the same, I still feel like shes hung up on her Scorpio ex boyfriend. Whenever they are together, they feel quite safe. He may not be able to match the passionate side of Scorpio woman and begin to feel defeated in the bedroom. The two are both extremely intelligent and brutally honest. True in term of partnership. I constantly have to reassure him of his self worth and I am getting tired. Does he lie due to his insecurity? Shouldn't be hard for you, eh scorpios? He brings some richness of faith and stability to her life making her eyes brighter and she brings heartwarming passion which makes her Virgo man more lively and romantic. We just werent able to make each other happy. You will never learn him at the surface very similar to a scorpion woman. I was married to a gemini and I can honestly say we are better friends than being married. Both Leo and Virgo are soooo different but honestly I would neither date Virgo nor Leo ever again if Im back on the dating circuit. The Virgo finds in the Scorpio a way to calm down, not to be so nervous. Im sure you stay after he lies because he makes up for it in other bigger ways. Virgos are efficient, reliable, good at communicating, and good at getting the job done. Cook him a surprise dinner, buy him tickets to his favorite bands concert show him (even though you may not always verbalize it) you are in fact paying attention. My current problem is that since being married, Ive discovered that my virgo man is quite the liar. As an earth sign, Virgos are immensely practical and love to be of service to their partners, Monahan explained. She is also known to have a higher level of passion . COOL VERY HELPFUL Even crossed the ocean, and I didnt ask him to. wait what? They both crave knowledge and must have purpose in all of their endeavors. True abt the passion thing in bedgetting better as time goes by but scorpio rules there! Just when you think you have scratched the surface or figured us out, you havent. They complement each other well in various aspects of a relationship, from friendship to marriage.
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