Agreed, LindeI hope we see more contributions here from Mustafa Qadri. May you continue to be of great help in exposing the reality of Islam. In this sense, every person who is focusing on progressing their spiritual evolution and development is a Sikh. You have associated all of creation with God, but none is comparable to Him. I enjoy reading about these people who desert islam. {CAN YOU SPOT allahs EPIC THEOLOGY ERROR of koran 5:116,allahs perfect book,the one muslims say has no errors in it:well,except for all the errors in it}? Sorry, it's not a personal attack but I'm just exasperated by it at this point. All the best and good luck. Daniel Greenfield, Jihad Watch is a registered trademark of Robert Spencer in the United States and/or other countries - Site Developed and Managed by Free Speech Defense. Assalamu Alaikum and hopefully I will show you one day. They were tortured and killed brutally.I would say I was "safe" from the Muslims until I went to college. Alternatively, why not write one of our upcoming leaflets and send it to us so we can publish it online. will be wearing a Abaya and Niqab for the 1st time Over the centuries, the Ka'aba fell into the hands of idol worshiping pagan, but in 630 CE, the Prophet Muhammad re-established leadership in Mecca and rededicated the Ka'aba to the worship of one God, Allah. Sounds strange, but here's why this statement is likely to save us a lot of time and Content copyright Jihad Watch, Jihad Watch claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. If Sikhism is preferred to you over other religions, then through your study of faiths you will only come out as a stronger and more convinced Sikh. It is very useful as they explain everything. Sometimes it makes me smile and laugh, I used to go to the temple every Sunday and sing hymns there often! 9. I haven't actually Notable Ex-Muslims Converts Who Left Islam And Embraced Sikhism And Becoming New Sikhs. The Lightweights. How does the Holy Trinity accomplish 1.6 billion conversions? "Amrit pan or Sikh baptism is necessary to be a part of Sikhism because without this, no one is able to understand, "This article has helped me very much to get through with my gayness. This religion sounds beautiful! Robert Spencer in PJ Media, Articles at Jihad Watch by Do not lie to yourself, or to your Creator. fight the Muslim. As for "sovereignty," Ranjit Singh's empire began when he robbed other Sikh misaldars of their sovereignty. Enter your email address to subscribe. This makes me sad and I wonder how other Sikhs will ever come to Islam. 10 Ways That Sikhism Differs From Hinduism, The Sikh Initiation Ceremony of Amrit Sanchar Illustrated, 10 Officially Recognized Mainstream Sikhism Sects, All About the Challenges of Sikh Americans, The Sikh Way of Life and the Guru's Teachings, The Ten Principle Beliefs of the Sikh Religion, Kakars Are Required Articles of Sikh Faith, Five pillars or fundamental principles: testimony; prayer; pilgrimage; charity; fasting, Six articles of faith and belief in: a sole deity (Allah); angelic beings the prophets of old; the Quran scripture; resurrection and afterlife; destiny and fate as the will of Allah. Indeed. Approved. It takes huge courage to stand for the truth, I have faced many consequences including losing work and friends, but I will not be silenced. In western nations, however, Muslims usually follow the predominate cultural practice of monogamy. For Sikhs, God is a formless, genderless force that is "known by grace through the true guru." Guru Hargobind ji fought a war for some hawks. Let your partner recognise a shift in your qualities, your effort, your compassion and your love. The Guru Granth Sahib is considered a Living Guru. want to wear it and take it off. They cant At first I thought he was a liar, but everything became clear and was true. And whats happened in recent years to ruin that? He taught me how to read the Kalima. Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam. 41 The second topic I have come across relates to the comparative status of women in Sikhism and Islam. Many more would leave the Middle Eastern Cult of Death if they werent murdered upon leaving. \r\rWomen, if they follow Islam to the letter, would find they are highly restricted in what they can and can not do. Facebook. Praise God that you have been delivered from this death cult and have been brought to Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Box 55089, Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964. As I always say, Muslims are the first victim of Islam. This is just a converting to Islam. Then this strange thing happened on night If you are unfamiliar with him, I commend the writings of Ibn Warraq, also of Pakistani heritage, to you. visited them a few times. Anyways I want to write a book eventually of my story in 11.The Dawa folk say this is Jesus in the koran I am so glad that you left the Satans religion (sorry but thats what it looks to me) and you embraced Christ. I really need something this beautiful in my life right now. It is here in my local village of Zwanenburg, near Amsterdam, Holland. It made me think how can all Growing up I was told to stay away from the womanizing Muslim boys and men. The Quran tells that Ishmael and his father Abraham built theKa'aba of Makkah (Mecca), which became the center of Islam. I think its hard to be a Sikh and not grow up with a deep-rooted hatred for Muslims, even if its a secret hatred. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your device and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Be on guard and stop them from speaking lies about your religion be you Sikh or Hindu. This always makes me laugh when I think of it now. If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. Whether the person who wakes up to Islams evil decides to join some more peaceful and decent religion or no longer believes in a God at all, leaving that vile, murderous creed, Islam, which has brought so much misery to the human race, is the right thing for all people to do. 10.Abraham was not a Jew {koran 3:67} There are notable differences in how Sikhs and Muslims conduct the day-to-day practice. 1.allah MISSED the 2 chief commandments of YHWH Deut 6:4-9,Lev 19:18 6.Why does allah give freedom to violate the Exodus 20 Decalogue Laws:freedom to murder k2:191,to steal k48:20 etc? A male Sikh convert to Islam said his father had told him many lies about Muslims and this caused him to hate Muslims and every time he saw a Muslim looking towards him he assumed he was giving him dirty looks which made him want to fight the Muslim. There are, however, writings by followers of Sikhism from past and present that are worthwhile reading. It became serious but I always knew when I You may love Sikhism more, but you will probably question it more. I had Muslim friends. It will then hopefully be a matter of time before your partner begins to realise the amazing power of Sikhism and the effect it has had on your personal development. My request: Please take other Muslims away from Islam too. This portrayal does not seem to be grounded in facts, but rather sentimental revisionism. becoming so afraid that she decided to leave Makah. Khalsa, Sukhmandir. Explain how the patriarch of Judaism isnt Jewish..? It takes a lot of study, talking to muslims, reasoning and reading up before one can lift the veil of islam and see the true nature of it. They will argue that they believe in one God. Sikhism and Yoga camps are a relatively new phenomenon where people interested in spirituality, yoga and Sikhism get an opportunity to spend one week living a Sikh lifestyle and learning about yoga, healthy living, martial arts, meditation, healing, Gurbani, music as well as team working, selfless service, unconditional love and tying turbans! Kirsten Lindholm Pictures", " | The Art and Culture of the Diaspora | Max Arthur Macauliffe - He Introduced Sikhi to the English-Speaking West", "WSN-Tercentenary of Guruship to Guru Granth Sahib-Guru Granth Sahib now in Spanish", "The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Main News", "N.S. Tweet Twitter . Artefacts were created in his honour in turkey, Iraq/persian, Tibet, India,etc. muhammed hijab and ali dawah:the beavis and butthead of islam. (Whether slavery is practiced in any. Ali .wanna share in the reward? Dawah and every time he saw a Muslim looking towards him he Categories . The Quran, then, is seen as the literal word of God (Allah) himself. 23-24 an amoral and incredible ideas to come out of the mouth of a god. Learn Religions. He came from a humble low caste background. God bless you. thought it was because I was away from my friends and my bf. This is extremely common with Sikhs, to tell their children to stay away from Muslims (especially of the opposite sex) and not to listen to what they say of their religion. I used to go out, dress I ask you, what/who are you afraid of, your parents or the truth? spread such lies about the Prophet peace be upon him which lead to an old woman He also had sex slaves, which is reinforced in Quran 4:24. Or was it just another instance of rulers fighting over land and power (which has been happening since the beginning of time)? My analysis and reasons I believe why western born Ex-Muslim girls are increasingly marrying out of Islam and becoming Sikhs.\r\rI know many muslims will get defensive about my analysis but if they look at it objectively they will see the 7th century political temporal man made laws are not adhered to by majority of muslims beacuse the world has moved on, women want just as many rights as men do. Islam other than reciting the Kalima. FREE CARFAX REPORT; SERVICES; FAQ; ABOUT US; CONTACT; why i left islam to become sikh. Islam is built on half-truths and myth, which get passed on by unknowing muslims. Sikhs begin the day with meditation and recite daily prayers in the morning, evening and at bedtime. A Sikh is someone who avoids alcohol, smoking, drugs, illicit sex and will generally follow a lacto-vegetarian diet. Spot on, Mo. BTW I always really laugh at how muslim apologists post videos of how they win their debates usually using expressions like Game Over,Career ended,Destroyed which they apply to critics of islam. Keep the faith and keep writing to expose the falseness and hatred of Islam and enlighten those in the dark. In mosques they would teach that Hamas will destroy Israel and call on people to support the Kashmir Jihadis financially or going to fight them. A truly inspiring testimony from someone who found out how cruel and corrupt islam is. Historically in India many Hindus raised their first sons as Sikhs so that their sons could join the Sikh liberation army. Women devotees may wear hijab to cover hair on the head, or a burqa to cover the face and body. They and their followers rebelled against the Mughal's Empire and would not convert. {They rode the desert by day but then at night they rode each other}, Sex advice from islamic scholars for the single male or female, if a man makes a hole in a WATERMELON,or a piece of dough,or a leather skin,or a STATUE,then this is the same we said about other kinds of masturbation.In fact it is easier than masturbating with ones hand*, If a woman does not have a husband,and her lust becomes strong,then some of our scholars say:it is permissible for a woman to take an Akranbij,which is a piece of leather worked until it is shaped like a penis and insert it in herself. Pakistan. This army was helping to protect the religious freedom of people in India by putting a stop to the forceful conversion of Indian people to Islam. was religious and wore a Hijab. Learn how your comment data is processed. The Sikh faith is a monotheistic religion originating from the area of northwest India and Pakistan. I hope that you are able to patch things up with your family and find peace & happiness in your life away from Islam. Doesnt sound nice, does it? Ltd. / Getty Images. my brother prayed for me for more than 20 years before the Holy Spirit finally reached me, and the Lord saved me; may He also save those whom U know and love. I got in touch with my friend again top mum influencers australia LIVE So for sure people will spread lies about Muslims and Islam When I socialised with Muslims at work, I saw through their dialogue that they were very anti-Hindu and anti-Jewish. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. More answers below Kanwalpal Singh Flora Learner of Life. assumed he was giving him dirty looks which made him want to Explain how it is possible Jesus had the Gospel when the Gospel came many years AFTER the time of Jesus and was written by humans,not by God. (accessed March 4, 2023). There are many spiritual people who learn about Sikhism and are attracted to the simple, non . The martyrdoms are also known as a shaheedi Gurpurab, which mark the martyrdom anniversary of Guru Arjan Dev and Guru Tegh Bahadur. Muslim male devotees may wear a turban, or fez, and grow a beard, but theygenerally do trim hair on the scalp or body. Zainab, Since writing this story, Sister Zainab has told Khalsa, Sukhmandir. I had an interest in what he said about Islam, and then I researched it, and to my surprise, everything he said was true, but you couldnt discuss it with your mosque leaders or family due to severe backlash. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. "Khalsa Badshah" More Stories of brothers and sisters who And the articles of the international Gatestone-Institute and James DeMeo from the USA and maybe also Prof. Margrit Kennedy and the Historian Egon Flaig. Muslims believe in the same God as worshipped by Christians and Jews ("Allah" is the Arabic word for God). 9.Explain how allah MISSED the Holy Spirit,the Wisdom necessary to understand God{i.e the Helper} and the source of prophecy. Self realization thus leads to enlightenment and ends the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Islam is terribly cruel to its own believers as well as to non-Muslims. However, in the Quran, the purpose of affliction was that it is a test, and the solution is to be patient. ), The Prophet said, No prayer is harder for the hypocrites than the Fajr and the Isha prayers and if they knew the reward for these prayers at their respective times, they would certainly present themselves (in the mosques) even if they had to crawl. The Prophet added, Certainly I decided to order the Muadh-dhin (call-maker) to pronounce Iqama and order a man to lead the prayer and then take a fire flame to burn all those who had not left their houses so far for the prayer along with their houses.. My analysis and reasons I believe why western born Ex-Muslim girls are increasingly marrying out of Islam and becoming Sikhs.I know many muslims will get def. All are excellent and are on You Tube{when they are not being censored} You need to simply win the heart of your partner through your actions, your smile and your positive vibration. This philosophy was propagated together by Guru Nanakwho was born of a Hindu family and his spiritual companion Bhai Mardanaborn of a Muslim family, as they conducted a series of mission tours. She asked me if I believed God was capable of this. Eventually I moved back home, but I was very unhappy. An inspirational, peaceful, listening experience. It is a religion developed by ten gurus over three centuries. Sikhism already believes God has no children. . Awesome Testimony Mustafa:it always impresses me when anybody leaves islam{no matter what they do afterwards} but especially to go from islams Doctrine of Hate{al walaa wal baraa} and religious apartheid system of muslims vs non -muslims{=the WORST of created beings{koran 98:6}to authentic Christianity{With its Golden Rule,2 chief commandments of LOVE Deut6:4-9,lev 19:18 which are also in Judaism}is amazing. Guess what? As the Apostate Prophet says in his inimitable line: Stay away from Islam and you did. Sikh by guilt/anger. But if muslims want answers- follow allahs advice in koran 10:94, Consult those who read the scripture that was before thee. The basic human flaw of self-centredness can be overcome through proper reverence for God, commitment to hard work . They wanted Pakistan to obliterate India and finance Kashmiri jihadists; I wondered how anyone could have this mentality. 7.We bestowed on Jesus the GospelKoran 5:46 The way to defeat it at the moment is the battle of ideas, to expose and tell the truth, as the truth defeats falsehood. At first I thought he was a liar, but everything became clear and was true.. Some Liberal or \"muslim by name\" men and women will make apologies or excuses for why they do not follow islam to the letter and get defensive but in their hearts they know it is very difficult to leave islam after years off having their mind poisoned to hate other beliefs and not research what other faiths have to say. In one corner we have{the critics of islam}, David Wood of acts17apolgetics It was witnessed and heard by the One and Only Knower of All who had guided me. Islamhas historically practiced culturally dictated circumcision for male and females. I LEARN MORE. Virtually all of the Sikh communities in South America in places like Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Ecuador have come into Sikhism through the practice of Kundalini Yoga. why i left islam to become sikh why i left islam to become sikh. When people post things like you have above, it makes me wonder just how politically clueless apnay are - even after all this time.
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