I am creative and forward-thinking and as a strategic thinking leader, is second to none in my experience. Its also important todemonstrate that you can put new ideas into action. And strategy lays out the goals, big themes of work, and go-to-market approach that will help you achieve both the vision and mission. Peter often makes false assumptions when developing long-range strategies. The case of one of my coaching clients illustrates the steps you need to take to show off your strategic thinking skills. He combines strategic thinking with tactical excellence and creative thinking. I have a strategic thinking mind, that thinks out of the box to get solutions to challenging situations. I clearly communicate my expectations and goals to my team members. I am strategic, entrepreneurial and someone who makes things happen. I have a vision and knows how to be both strategic and tactical. His strategic vision set him apart from others as he is always thinking big. Strategic thinking requires research, analytical thinking, innovation, problem-solving skills, communication and leadership skills. It also covers implementing and applying the strategy in addition to strategic review and evaluation (Alasmar, 2007) According to Elanzi and Akhras (2010), the lack of strategic thinking at the . I am about as good as it gets when thinking strategically, driving change, and getting things done. Strategic planning is a process (see above, RE: report that sits on a shelf), while strategic thinking is about vision, intuition, and creativity. The definition is concrete and clear. He also continually provided strategic thinking for our company. Communication appraisal comments, if delivered correctly, can greatly improve an employee's communication skills. Supports our organizations strategic plan and ensures that business practices are consistent with our mission. Tims journey to demonstrating strategic thinking took him longer than he had expected, but over time, his boss, peers, and team noticed the changes and viewed them positively. His strategic thinking and competence with him domain is best-in-class. I am a strategic thinker that is not bound by "current" thinking. "You always come in on time, follow your schedule and adhere to your designated lunch break time.". It follows an approach to strategy as a meaningful, playful, experimental and therefore creative way to design a sustainable and impactful future. I am always a highly reliable, strategically forward-thinking colleague. d. "She always comes up with unique yet practical solutions. However, strategic thinking is different. While his strategic and creating thinking allowed us to take it to the next level. On the other hand, feedback that mostly dwells on negative aspects of one's performance can make employees feel unappreciated. Clear communication makes employees comfortable with each other, makes sharing and exchanging ideas more frequent. a. Tims efforts began to pay off over time, and he was able to shift his contributions in senior executive meetings from operational input to strategic input. He is also very strategic in his thinking. 2023 American Management Association. I introduced the concept of cross-training and upskilling within the team, thereby enhancing the team's learning and ensuring business continuity. Employee Evaluation Examples and Comments that Help to Boost Performance. vision and strategic thinking appraisal comments; . ". Always works to achieve the best results. With strategic thinking, employees at all levels and in all functions continually scan for new ways to contribute to the organization's success. What tips would you offer anyone who is taking a role that involves strategic planning and accountability for decisions? Uncategorized. His latest AMACOM book, 75 Ways for Managers to Hire, Develop, and Keep Great Employees, was released in 2016. 1. I am strategic, smart, even tempered, and thinks with the end goal in mind. They know having a backup plan (or several) can help them pivot quickly when things don't go as planned. Strategic foresight: Strategic thinkers have the ability to think ahead and anticipate potential problems. We feel there's a need for you to improve your relationships with others. Fails to think before one plans and doesn't take the time or invest in tools to generate new insights, Makes a strategy a once a year activity instead of an ongoing conversation and does not care to monitor the already implemented strategies, Does not refresh the plans frequently to keep them from becoming stale and keep the energy energized on their execution, Defines goals that cannot be managed or measured throughout the layers of the company, Fails to make employees aware of the goals and therefore the employees do not understand what is expected of them, Develops plans that leave too much room for interpretation thus employees misinterpret the plans and miss the intended mark, Selects the wrong people for strategic planning instead of people who are able to analyze the current company's state and develop achievable future states, Develops a plan without aligning it with the budget thus makes it hard to transform the plan into action. State everything objectively and clearly. Empowers teams to embrace change opportunities. You have a strong ability to listen to others and provide valuable insights framed in such a way as to be collaborative. He is strategic in his thinking, but very pragmatic in his deliveries. In other words, about where you would like to be as an organization and how you get there, Dissecting strategic thinking versus strategic planning: Dynamic rather than static; Flexible rather than rigid Self-appraisal is a significant part of your performance review, because it reflects your self-awareness and professional development. But, if conducted properly, attendance appraisal processes can prove to be very useful. He thinks strategically, yet he knows how to be diplomatic so that his suggestions are considered. Effective teams can only be built when team members communicate with each other honestly and clearly. vision and strategic thinking appraisal commentsparkhurst food service. John is very effective in his strategic thinking. Simbline can help you write a self-evaluation performance review using phrases prepared for you. vision and strategic thinking appraisal commentsmarinela cookies calories. c. You do not encourage your team to find creative solutions. And because he thinks strategically, he never fails to exceed expectation. Not only is he strategic, but he never settles for less than the best. He is always thinking about what our company could be doing to be more strategic. You often place others' needs before your own. I am always thinking "big picture" and how we can meet strategic objectives. vision and strategic thinking appraisal comments. He is second to none in strategic thinking and he is visionary to stay ahead of the competition. You are fair and treat every employee in your team equally and respectfully. Lacks a universal understanding of what a strategy is and how it differs from other planning terms such as mission, vision, etc. Is that all youre truly expecting from your organizational leaders in terms of shepherding your companys employees to greater victories and success? It comes straight out of Wikipedia. c. You try to use your seniority to dominate your team members. They are realistic optimists. Now, instead of having reactive discussions with his HR business partner, he was able to engage in forward-looking discussions about strategic hiring and leadership development opportunities for his team. What is Strategic Thinking? You are usually unable to calculate the time required to complete a task and therefore end up missing deadlines. All Rights Reserved. But with appraisal comments, you can help employees overcome their personal conflicts and contribute to the team. John has an ability to undertake strategic thinking and identify well with blue sky thinking. b. d. You are too afraid of taking risks on a creative solution. I am one of those people who just "get it" in regards to thinking strategically and outside the box. Vantage Circle. Tim made efforts to update his understanding of trends and to refresh his network but realized that he wasnt putting the knowledge learned to good use. His thinking is strategic, but still can be tactically executed, which is not found in many. I have our best interests at heart and it shows in my strategic thinking and recommendations. d. You hold employees responsible for their performance. He was one of the most strategic that got me thinking out of the box right away. Well done! vision and strategic thinking appraisal comments. Sets realistic work demands and a fair distribution of assignments. I have always demonstrated excellent strategic thinking when assessing opportunities. "He is regarded as highly credible by those working with him." We will review Strives to provide open-book leadership so that team members understand the financial and operational drivers of organizational success. Stay positive and respectful. Customers love him as he thinks strategically on behalf of their needs. Strategic thinkers translate a company's vision into doable actions. ". There's a lack of planning in how you managed and delivered on priorities. Leadership. In order for an employee performance appraisal to be effective, you need to have strategic objectives you would like to accomplish before starting the appraisal, according to management expert Josh Greenberg writing on the Performance Appraisals website. We all know that developing strategic thinking skills is important, but many dont realize how critical it is to your career advancement to show these skills to your boss and other senior leaders. c. "You should collaborate with others more to come up with solutions together.". To improve customer experience in your organization, you can refer to these performance review comments: a. c. "Your positive attitude to your work encourages others to perform well too." John's also strategic and able to look ahead to how things will be, not just how they are. He is very sharp and thinks strategically. He took time to package his ideas into a vision for the organization and engaged his peers in new discussions about how the vision could impact their areas. This area of strategic thinking looks at ways to use resources, staff and technology. Creativity. I am very strategic yet is always willing to roll up my sleeves. He has strategic thinking and passion which you need both to change dynamically. Leaders want to know what you think, and they view your worthiness for promotion through the lens of how ready you are to make bigger decisions. I am way mature beyond my age when it comes to me strategic thinking and planning. a. John's great strength is that he thinks strategically and has the ability to articulate that strategic thinking in simple terms. 2. A key distinction between strategic thinking and strategic planning is that the former occurs on a regular basis, as part of our daily activities, while the latter occurs periodically (quarterly, semi-annually or annually). Focuses team on not getting bogged down in analysis paralysis. c. He works to be the best for the team and not be the best of the team. Performance Review Phrases for Training Skills Part 1 Performance Review Phrases for Attitude Part 2 Performance Review Phrases for Critical Thinking Part 3 Performance Review Examples: Additional Resources Part 4 Performance evaluation comments are a way to provide feedback to employees about their work performance.
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