Being a hypocrite is one of the worst things you can be called youre someone who criticizes others and yet does the same sin yourself. Elizabeth is a victim of cruel irony in this Act when she is summoned to testify on the reasons why she dismissed Abigail from her household. They are extremely biased towards believing they have made the correct sentencing decisions in court thus far, so they are reluctant to accept new evidence that may prove them wrong. Reverend Hale enters as a specialist from Boston who has seen the effects that witchcraft has had on others. Abigail distracts the judges from any rational investigation in this act by playing into this hysteria. Rebecca Nurse, a woman whose character was previously thought to be unimpeachable, is accused and arrested. The people in charge are so eager to hold onto their power that if anyone disagrees with them in the way the trials are conducted, it is taken as a personal affront and challenge to their authority. By Act 4, many of the power structures that were firmly in place earlier in the play have disintegrated. This act also sees the irony of Hale discussing the powers of the dark that are attacking Salem (pg. 119). Abigail possesses a two- pronged approach in her motivation. As John gives his confession, Danforth says to Rebecca Nurse Now, woman, you surely see it profit nothin to keep this conspiracy any further. He chooses to die instead of providing a false confession because he doesnt think life will be worth living after he is so disgraced. Mary Warrens sense of self-importance has increased as a result of the perceived value of her participation in court. Rational explanations are ground up by the drama of the rumor mill, and people see only what they want to see (whatever keeps them in the good graces of society andmakes them feel the best about themselves) in situations that don't appear to have easy explanations. She believed she had seen spirits earlier because she was caught up in the delusions of those around her. Is there any character besides John Proctor that represents the voice of common sense amidst the madness? Danforth insists that John must know more about the Devil's dealings than he has revealed. Its easy for more respectable citizens to accept that shes in league with the Devil because she is an "other" in Salem, just like Tituba. She has the power to utterly destroy peoples lives with a single accusation because she is seen as a victim and a savior. The whole purpose of a trial is to hear both sides of the story before a verdict is reached. Her jealousy of Elizabeth Proctors position as Johns wife has led her to attempted murder, first by the charm in the woods and now by accusing Elizabeth of witchcraft. This fact could destroy his credibility, so he is biased towards continuing to trust Abigail. The attitudes towards women in the 1950s, when the play was written, are evident in the roles they're given. This is a decision with dire consequences in a town where reputation is so important, a fact that contributes to the misunderstanding that follows. This causes problems down the line as Parris allows his paranoia about losing his position to translate into enthusiasm for the witch hunt. The town, already primed with rumors of black magic, is quickly willing to accept that the first few women who are accused are involved in black magic because theyre beggars and slaves. Thomas Putnam claims to be a holy, church-going man, yet his priority in life is to acquire land. He has sentenced people to death based on lies about their dealings in black magic, and he has accepted other false confessions from those who would rather lie than be executed. People are quick to believe something even if there is no evidence for their fear. This mob mentality leads to unthoughtful acts and false accusations. The play loosely follows the tale of Salem and how the trials came to pass. Choose a single character and discuss how this person embodies one of the themes. In a way,John welcomes the loss of his reputation because he feels so guilty about the disconnect between howhe is perceived by others and the sins he has committed. The town, already primed with rumors of black magic, is quickly willing to accept that the first few women who are accused are involved in black magic because theyre beggars and slaves. The madness begins in earnest with Abigails claim that Tituba and Ruth were conjuring spirits in the woods. All rights reserved. I am with God, I, Danforth expresses his opinions on lying when Mary Warren enter his court to confess herself and he begins the conversation by saying, How were you instructed in your life? This is ironic because, Once the accusations begin, Parris initiates an ironic thought process that persists throughout. Abigail insists that she did nothing to deserve it and tries to put all the blame on Elizabeth Proctor. Danforth explains that witchcraft is an invisible crime and that only the victims are reliable. Furthermore, this is destructive influence because by telling Elizabeth to tell Proctor to lie, this adds upon his sins. Envy, Selfishness, and lust for money/power demonstrate the flaws of humanity through the actions of Abigail Williams, Reverend Parris, and Thomas Putnam. The town slips further and further into chaos and paranoia until it reaches a point of total devastation. These connections will bolster your responses by positioning them in relation to the most important concepts discussed throughout the play. The turmoil in Salem is propelled forward by desires for revenge and power that have been simmering beneath the town's placid exterior. Here are some discussion questions to consider after reading about the thematic role of the concepts of power and authority in the events of the play: Mary Warren when she comes back from Salem in Act 2. Read on for an overview of what a theme is, a list of important themes in The Crucible with specific act-by-act details, and a summary of how to use this information in your essays and other assignments. This is interesting because the children are the ones that the rest of the village relies upon to condemn people to death. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. He. Tituba is forced to accept her role as a pawn for those with greater authority and a stepping stone for Abigails ascent to power. The Crucible is a tragedy play written by Arthur Miller. Choose a single character and discuss how this person embodies one of the themes. Danforth makes a shocking argument defending the way the trials have been conducted, insisting that only the victims testimony can serve as reliable evidence in this type of trial. The whole purpose of a trial is to hear both sides of the story before a verdict is reached. Reverend Parris, the paranoid widower and heaven-ordained minister of the town of Salem, was, simply put, a hypocrite. In Act 2, John Proctors guilt over his affair with Abigail is demonstrated through an ironic exchange with Reverend Hale. This quotation shows the overall theme that hypocrisy is bred from the fear and condemnation of a society. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. references the many sentencing decisions he has already made in the trials of the accused. The most substantial female character is Abigail, who is portrayed as a devious and highly sexualized young woman. Miller himself was blacklisted for refusing to testify in front of the HUAC, a committee that was created to investigate any person who might be a communist. I have given you my soul; leave me my name! (pg. He questions Abigail aggressively because hes worried his enemies will learn the full story of what happened in the woods first and use it to discredit him. 22). The town suspected her of lewd dealings, so she was put to death for it. These people are the only ones who refuse to throw out false accusations or lie about involvement in witchcraft, so they find themselves condemned (this is the fate of Rebecca Nurse). As he says, How may I live without my name? Giles Cory was expelled from court because he would not list people who signed the document about Putnam wanting to take land. Shes not a traditionally accepted target like the others (except in her susceptibility as a woman to the misogyny that runs rampant in the play). He is weak and vulnerable after Abigail's theft of his life's savings, and hes even facing death threats from the townspeople as a result of John and Rebecca's imminent executions. 67). 91). Danforth also acts out of concern for his reputations here. Danforth insists that John must know more about the Devil's dealings than he has revealed. Miller writes: ''As for Rebecca herself, the general opinion of her character was so high that to explain how anyone dared cry her out for a witchwe must look to the fields and boundaries of that time.'' In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the setting is Salem, Massachusetts during the late 1600s where the towns pious Puritan beliefs directly influence their government. Elizabeth is a victim of cruel irony in this Act when she is summoned to testify on the reasons why she dismissed Abigail from her household. Many villagers, especially Abigail . In reality. The depths of the hysteria that has gripped Salem are revealed in Act 3 when John finally confronts the court. Before I get into the nitty-gritty of howThe Cruciblethemes are expressed, let's do a quick overview of what themes are and why they matter. Demosthenes made fun of Aeschines, a famous Greek politician who was also an actor, basically . Throughout "The Crucible", Abigail Williams commits the largest act of hypocrisy. It's atoxic strategy that causes panic to spread quickly and fear for ones life to take the place of rationality. In her conversation with John, Abigail claims that he helped her realize all the lies she was told by two-faced people in Salem who only publicly adhere to the conventions of respectable society (pg. He is somewhat responsible for all of the witch trials; if he wouldn't of committed adultery with Abigail, she wouldn't have gone on her rampage of blaming people. The fear caused by the thought of supernatural evil in Salem causes the characters in the play to turn a blind eye to logic and instead believe in claims not backed by actual "hard as rock" proof. How does reputation influence who is first accused of witchcraft? When she is brought in for questioning and claims to see Marys familiar spirit, she says Envy is a deadly sin, Mary.Abigail herself has acted out of envy for the entire play. People in power continue to believe the accusers out of fear for their own safety, taking the hysteria to a point where no one is above condemnation. This makes him particularly averse to accepting that he's been fooled by a teenage girl. Along with the final say in the putting to death of people during the Salem witch trials. Thus demonstrating how mob mentality can impact an individual and ultimately drive the action of the play. Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. When Abigail accuses Elizabeth, a respected farmers wife, it shows that she is willing to take big risks to remove Elizabeth from the picture. Do you not know that God damns all liars? (Miller 101). Hale also makes some unintentionally ironic statements in Act 1 when he begins his investigation. How are themes like hysteria, hunger for power, reputation, or any of a number of others functional in the drama? He refers to Johns refusal to confess as a calamity, looking past his own involvement in the larger calamity of the conviction that led John to this point. How do outside forces contribute to the character's flaws and eventual downfall?". 130). When she cant get John to abandon Elizabeth for her, she decides to take matters into her own hands and gain control through manipulating the fears of others. Even Judge Danforth, supposedly a reliable source of justice and solidity, goes against what he knows to be true by forcing those arrested to either confess to crimes they did not commit or face the gallows, all to save his name and prevent it from looking like he had hanged innocent people. . Though the Puritans believed that children were not to be taken seriously, they are later convinced by the court officials that the children are the authorities on witchcraft. Abigail insists that she did nothing to deserve it and tries to put all the blame on Elizabeth Proctor. Ask questions; get answers. The dark, witchcraft-filled production follows a series of deaf characters who are narrated in English, rather than the other way around. He is weak and vulnerable after Abigail's theft of his life's savings, and hes even facing death threats from the townspeople as a result of John and Rebecca's imminent executions. Danforth and Mary Warren both embody hypocrisy, as seen when Mary says she cannot lie anymore and then lies when she becomes scared for her life, and Danforth when saying lying will send a person to Hell, but then forcing people to choose between lying and death. He says, I would to God it were not so, Excellency, but these people have great weight yet in the town (pg. What ACT target score should you be aiming for? Tituba, the slave of Reverend Parris, is the first to admit to dancing with the devil. Deception is a major driving force inThe Crucible. Tituba attempts to tell the truth about Abigail when she says, You beg me to conjure! As Reverend Hale says to Danforth, Excellency, there are orphans wandering from house to house; abandoned cattle bellow on the highroads, the stink of rotting crops hangs everywhere, and no man knows when the harlots cry will end his life - and you wonder yet if rebellions spoke? (Act 4, pg. Being in contact with someone else means mediating between ourselves and the other. Miller carries the theme of hypocrisy through Parris by giving the reverend a very greedy nature. In this act, she yells Dont lie! at Tituba immediately before she tells some of the most damning lies of the play accusing Tituba of witchcraft (She comes to me while I sleep; shes always making me dream corruptions! pg. When she cant get John to abandon Elizabeth for her, she decides to take matters into her own hands and gain control through manipulating the fears of others. What Is The Hypocrisy In The Crucible. One path to higher standing and greater control would be in becoming John Proctors wife. He believes there is a group of people in town determined to remove him from this position, and. Arthur Miller portrays the protagonist, Proctor, as the tragic hero of his play The Crucible. "She sat to dinner in Reverend Parris's house tonight, and without word nor warnin' she falls to the floor. A real example of irony would be if two married guests got into a fight about going to your wedding that ended in their divorce. Other essay questions may not ask you directly about the themes listed in this article, but that doesn't mean that the themes are irrelevant to your writing. The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a play about the Salem witch trials. In a way. Her jealousy of Elizabeth Proctors position as Johns wife has led her to attempted murder, first by the charm in the woods and now by accusing Elizabeth of witchcraft. 41). 73), meaning the girls are testing out the extent of the chaos they can create with their newfound power. Danforth is the governor of Massachusetts who thinks of himself as a fair man. He wrote the play as an allegory of McCarthyism, when the US government discriminated communists. This is taken as evidence that things are really getting out of control ("if Rebecca Nurse be tainted, then nothing's left to stop the whole green world from burning." The ruthlessness with which the suspected witches are treated is aimed at purifying Salem, but it achieves the opposite outcome. How do the witch trials empower individuals who were previously powerless? In this play, the author illustrates the central idea that people should not allow jealousy to control their actions. Jennifer has taught high school English for eight years and has a master's degree in curriculum and assessment. As Reverend Hale says to Danforth, Excellency, there are orphans wandering from house to house; abandoned cattle bellow on the highroads, the stink of rotting crops hangs everywhere, and no man knows when the harlots cry will end his life - and you wonder yet if rebellions spoke? (Act 4, pg. This new power is exciting and very dangerous because. Though the play is fictional, the characters are named after real people who lived in Salem during that time. This lie essentially condemns both of them. See how other students and parents are navigating high school, college, and the college admissions process. A man of conscience is one who is aware of his moral and ethical beliefs and judgments and one who will prefer right over wrong. The life of such man is ruled by the desire to seek the truth and justice in all that surrounds him, including himself. Abigail William is hypocritical because she does not follow the rules of the Salem trials. The petition he presents to Danforth is used as a weapon against the signers rather than a proof of the innocence of Elizabeth, Martha, and Rebecca. These types of statements made by Hale earlier in the play become even more ironic in Act 4 when he realizes he made a horrible mistake by trusting the evidence that was presented to him. What is the difference between dissent and disloyalty? How does Reverend Hale make Tituba feel important? In the final events of Act 4, John Proctor has a tough choice to make between losing his dignity and losing his life. There are two examples of Ad hominem from The Crucible in Act 2 and Act 3. 50). Though hysteria overpowered the reputations of the accused in the past two acts, in act 4 the sticking power of their original reputations becomes apparent. It is another trait we inherited from them, and it has helped to discipline us as well as to breed hypocrisy among us.'' I feel like its a lifeline. In today's world hypocrisy is demonstrated by everyday citizens and even political leaders. Hale tries to combat his guilt by persuading the prisoners to confess, refusing to accept that the damage has already been done. By the end of class, you should be able to: Identify basic elements of McCarthyism, including the following terms: Thomas Putnam tells him to Wait for no one to charge you - declare it yourself.. Armed with the false proof of these coerced confessions, the court officials aggressively persecute anyone who is accused. Though a character can have significant moral flaws, they can be wise enough to recognize their flaws and change their ways. The two characters that could have ended the mass hysteria are Abigail Williams and Deputy Governor Danforth. mariana enriquez biography is hypocrisy a natural human flaw the crucible. What are some of the factors that feed the panic and suspicion in Salem, and why are. No one even considers Mary's statement about sticking the needle in herself. 73), meaning the girls are testing out the extent of the chaos they can create with their newfound power. The power of mass hysteria is further revealed when Mary is unable to faint outside of a charged courtroom environment. The College Entrance Examination BoardTM does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with the owner or any content of this site. Compare and contrast three authority figures in this drama: Hale, Danforth, and Parris. Because, the people of Salem will find out about the affair, this would weaken his reputation. John attempts to crush his guilt instead of facing it, which only ends up making it an even more destructive factor in his life. As John gives his confession, Danforth says to Rebecca Nurse Now, woman, you surely see it profit nothin to keep this conspiracy any further. He appears to have no governing system of morality. When Hale asks him to recite his commandments, the only one he forgets is adultery. This website helped me pass! I have given you my soul; leave me my name! (pg. " jesus christThe simple answer is of course, yes! Hypocrisy is shown between the characters: Abigail Williams, Reverend Parris, and Hale. The court refuses to challenge anyone who claims to have been afflicted. Abigail also shows concern for her reputation. Like a struck beast, he says, and screamed a scream that a bull would weep to hear. While touting his holy credentials, he claims that he dare not take a life without there be a proof so immaculate no slightest qualm of my conscience may doubt it (pg. Through Abigail Williams, Miller was trying to state the injustice in Salem because she targeted the innocent people, leading to their death. The evidence used in the Salem Witch Trials further demonstrates the hypocrisy in the Puritan times. I chose . Greed is a sin in the Puritan religion, so the people who supported the accusations were indeed hypocrites. By Act 2, there are nearly 40 people in jail accused of witchcraft. Miller accomplishes this through almost, if not every character in the story. She was seen as a grandmother to the village. If Tituba was permitted to explain what really happened, the ensuing tragedy might have been prevented. We saw that Arthur Miller used the Puritans in The Crucible to explore the themes, or main ideas of a text, in order to make the statement that society can be hypocritical and that we should question intentions. 118). Our new student and parent forum, at, allow you to interact with your peers and the PrepScholar staff. Hypocrisy relates to The Crucible in that both Reverend Parris and Mr. Putnam are incredibly hypocritical characters. Why does Mary Warren behave differently when she becomes involved in the trials? The petition he presents to Danforth is used as a weapon against the signers rather than a proof of the innocence of Elizabeth, Martha, and Rebecca. Thomas Putnam who has grudges against the people of Salem, and Abigail is a shameless liar who leads the accusations against the people of Salem. How is Parris fate in act 4 ironic when considering his role in the events of the play? The play is about human weakness, hypocrisy, and vindictiveness. In Act 2, the value of reputation in Salem starts to butt heads with the power of hysteria and fear to sway peoples opinions (and vengeance to dictate their actions). 129)He is still convinced that all the prisoners are guilty and is determined to force them to admit their guilt. What is the writer attempting to convey to the viewer? Arthur Miller's 1953 play, ''The Crucible,'' features hypocrisy as a recurrent theme. Rebecca Nurse's accusation further demonstrates the hypocrisy in the play. The Crucible is not only a dramatization of . People could not take another's land unless it was left to them in a will; however, if someone were to be executed for a crime, that land belonged to the state and could be re-distributed. She has the power to utterly destroy peoples lives with a single accusation because she is seen as a victim and a savior. Thomas Putnam tells him to Wait for no one to charge you - declare it yourself.Parris must rush to be the first accuser so he can place himself beyond reproach. Miller wrote it as an allegory to the Red Scare, the promotion of fear of a potential rise of communism. Proctor is infuriated. Elizabeth notes that Mary's demeanor is now like that of the daughter of a prince (pg.
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