(See my remark below for exact position.) Ascendant conjunct Sirius and born at night: Insolent, cruel, lacking in mercy, hasty, rapacious, agitated and drunk. For me the mars on nadir (which ive seen refered to as the hand of god) is like a steady powerhouse at the base of everything, made sense once I saw this and articles like this. I was born during the 60s Uranus/Pluto Virgo conjunction. [1], A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Everyone your age should have Sirius at 13 to 14 Cancer. Just wanted to clarify that Sir does not come from Sirius as stated in this article but from Sire ultimately derived from the latin for Senior. Im greatly interested about some background information of stars as Sirius, Pleiades, Ursa major how they came into being and they will eventually become in the end. With Neptune squaring your MC, it is important that you do something from your heart, not just for money or status. The planet in the first house, especially close to the Ascendant, is not easily influenced by culture, peer group, family, etc. Adagio Overview; Examples (videos) Moon 18 capricorn4th House (Full BLOOD moon* Total eclipse) Yes I have researched those eclipses a lot. This makes sense, Katie Courics Midheaven at 13 Cancer would conjoin the USAs Sun and Sirius, tho 11:55 pm time is not verified. Jupiter in hard aspect to Sirius is the easiest type of Sirius placement to deal with, since Jupiter is exalted in the Moons sign. My PLACEMENTS page shows the fixed stars zodiac degrees. Hello Mala: Thanks for your amazing feedback and sharing details that help us in our learning process. Iron is an excellent conductor of electromagnetic energy. The rest of my chart are 1st house Sun, 5th house Mars, 7th house Pluto, 10th house Jupiter, 12th house Saturn. That is a lot of angular energy which shows you are not hear to take a backseat. Well my empty MC/10th house is in Capricorn and true, all my life I have to conform to my familys standards and reputation because my family is well known in our community especially in our church (after all, my Moon is in Sagittarius) and be able to preserve the image. This is why the Sun is about the familiar while the Moon is about the foreign. Diana, since IC is the cusp of 4th house which is roots, emotion, feeling, home, it is the internal compass that we carry. Gauquelins research showed that area of 9th and 12th, which are close to the Midheaven and Ascendant respectively, are more powerful than the 10th and 1st. However, Sirius isnt really about perpetual alienation. He is large. Associated with beauty, water, navigation at sea, hygiene, cleaning, repairs, and refurbishments. Can you shed some light please? I have Sirius conj my Jupiter in the 4th, which is the ruler of my midheaven. Whether you openly rebel or not, you are still a rebel of sorts. Sirius is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. All i have ceres conjunct ic, venus conjunct dc. what are your thoughts on Sirius being square the Moon? Then got extremely anxious in my youth and now as a adolescent the feeling returns. This aspect is often seen between two people who become obsessed with one another. you mean to say sun conjunct sirius will favor a person in sex war and business and anything ruled by mars will be favored i have studied that after 30 people start to get great results from fixed stars which are on their sun and moon, still waiting for your response on my below comment. Because memories are by nature untruthful, they become fragmented. They find it hard to find home with other foreigners. ' (Euphratean Stellar Researches). Its a story about exceptionalism. For the Nodes with the fixed stars, you can combine the interpretation for Sun and Moon. However, liberal wound culture will not give them their true memories. Sun 14 cancer10th House While Venus-Sirius people feel alienated from themselves, Mars-Sirius people feel alienated from other people. It has the energy of the 10th archetype like that of Saturn. All I can suggest is read the description for Moon with Sirius and make it a bit darker. It also shows that the mother played a dominant role (positive or negative) in the persons life. I also have Uranus tightly conjunct ascendant and this make you look at the world in your own unique manner you are not easily influenced. idea is to find balance between them. What does this mean? Its image is a hound or a little virgin. So for best results have a PURE UNSELFISH intention /effort rather than a selfish one or the result could get you burned. One sees a larger family in humanity. Animated generally people who have planets near the angles have more intensity (internally or externally). eight What could you say about Mars (3rd house Leo and makes a grand trine in fire signs with Sun & Pluto if this is of any significance) in tight conjunction with the IC? As a kid I used to behave like a authorative princess. This may be more so if the person rejects the 7th house energy and less of an issue if the person embraces it. My Neptune is conjunct my MC, and, while Ive really never known on a practical level what I wanted to do when I grew up (Im 43 now), I can tell you that Ive never felt a need to be selfless in my career. This will be useful when I come to update these fixed stars posts. Affinity: This chart will show your conjunctions indicating affinity. The exception would be if a planet were to align with Sirius. We once called the stars angels. Things ruled by Mars like sport, sex, war, and business. Interesting article! They are generally born into a large family, and all those in the family circle are also interested in the large families themselves. Its a story about conquering your pain by turning your pain into a cultural product, by commercializing the self narrative. Jupiter just transited my ascendant, and is now about to run over my Pluto. I have been studying charts of famous personalities, and I can see, that the ascendent angles are the defining angles for the way the world sees these people. I also have Saturn Rx conjunct Mars (D) in H1 Scorpio. So maybe there is a burning issue that lies at the root of a family problem or has been inherited. I was the smart one everywhere I go, which makes me really uncomfortable. The second impulse is to survive so that the memories of the ancestors can live on. You can also subscribe without commenting. Ascendant shows the lens in front of us. Im constantly hungry for ideas, novel ideas or ideas that upset established orders, or innovate ways of thinking that others often find uncomfortable. I am new into Astrology. guess the soccer player unblocked. Ive Neptune on Midheaven and wasnt sure of work and career for a long time. All the best! Hello! I have a ascendant in Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter in 1st house and Pluto in 12th house 0 (both in retrograde) and IC in Pisces conjunct Venus and Saturn both in 4th house. They often play the role of the dark sheep or the lone wolf in both social spaces. The Witness of the Stars, E. W. Bullinger. This interpretation of Uranus in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. Ive noticed that with planets close to the ascendant, there is an instinctive understanding and clarity of the planets energy (the tighter the orb, more the clarity). Whether a planet fall close to the ascendant or midheaven pre or post rising/culmination, it is very important and to a lesser extent (but still significant) are planets that fall either side of the descednant and IC (ileum coli). Competitive and scarcity in resources creates the conditions for exceptionalism. I was realy interested in the Dendereh Zodiac. ascendant, conjunct sirius SIGN UP for real time webinars on basic to advanced classes. [1]. Good Luck . At the same time, transiting Saturn will conjunct my Neptune, then Jupiter, all while transiting Neptune will conjunct my Sun/Mercury, and Jupiter conjuncting my Saturn and Mars! Im close to my sister and father, sometimes my broder, but thats it, I feel Ive made other people my family.Saturn conjuncts my IC too. Mercury-Sirius people look for memories because theyre looking for truth. Uranus clearly influences my chart. And yah, I have my Moon in my 7th house Libra at 27, this may not in conjuction to the Descendant but I used to think if this angle was still influenced by the Moon, cause I somehow often attract a Cancerian type of person. I am glad that you were able to study and come with finding very similar to gauquelin and others who see the importance of angles. Kurt Cobain 024, Dave Chappelle 118, Gwen Stefani 122 (and Descendant), Drake 135, Olivia De Havilland 236 (and Venus), Mercury conjunct Sirius: Great business success, help through influential people, worries unnecessarily, associated with the Church, physical defect through accident. The Sun in hard aspect to Sirius is about soft power. mars vertex synastry - Astrology Anonymous How does this play out? The planets influence varies depending on the angle its conjunct, how close it is located to the angle and whetherit is debilitated or strengthened based onthe zodiac sign. Hello, Sierra. Sirius sits within that mansion. It really helped me because I have a stellium of six planets conjunct my Imum Coeli in Capricorn (Mars, Uranus and Neptune in the 3rd House; and Saturn, Venus and Mercury in the 4th House). For example Neptune will tends to diminish the egoistic tendencies of the Sun (when Neptune aspects the sun) and so suns energy may be expressed through the filter of selflessness and passiveness. However, Uranus here can mean frequent changein homeand family, restless emotions, and lack of stability, etc. The seventh house is the house of one-on-one . I am really curious about how to work with these. Would love to hear your thoughts? Cancer and the 4th house have to do with nurturing , the mother , the home , as the place of refuge which you find comfort and emotional security.It also has to do with real estate.Chiron here would indicate a possible wounding in one of the areas Ive just mentioned and an area that needs healing.Im sorry to say that I cant really define for you what this conjunction means.Maybe the things Ive mentioned will give you some FOOD for thought , and you can apply it to some of the definition of sirius in this blog.. Could Rising mean positioned at the beginning of the orb, and Culminating mean towards the end of the orb, sort of like a cusp at the beginning and end of the orb? Idk what it means but all Ive been feeling is torment, hello. While (as Mr. Robert Brown, Jr, points out) the Sacred Books of Persia contain many praises for the star Tistrya or Tistar (Sirius), the chieftain of the East. Also when my progressed Moon was conjunct MC/Sirius earlier this year, I received a lot of praise and attention for an extra-curricular project I did at work. I have never studied these Stars in Astrology it is a fascinating addition and I hope to learn more. But also this combination may give high level intuition. For Sirius people, memories become speculative and fictional. Its a fascist universe and full of false memories performed for clout. Again im guessing this is because Neptune is stationary & strengthened in its own house, while closely aspecting an angle gives it the strong outlet. If a planet is trine or square MC with a tight orb, then the energy of that planet seeks a public expression, probably through your career. This impulse makes people try to relive the memories of the ancestors and reproduce the same issues over and over again. [2], Sirius marks immense creative talents in any field at all with only the warning that there may be more inner power than can be safely managed. Uranus has been transiting my Descendant recently as well, and will oppose my Pluto next year. MoonsEye Astrology Venus conjunct Ascendant synastry My Mc is at 1424 Cancer.having Mercury 17 Saturn 23 and the Sun 28 in Cancer holding hands. I can handle the moves, the freedom calls, alien feeling, but not my Mars, which tightly squares Sun and Uranus. First house is what you project to the world and seventh is what is projected on to you (especially if you are not in connection with the specific energy) Someone with Saturn in the first house in a tight orb to the ascendant could end up being a poster child for all that Saturn signifies tradition, believer of rules, respects authority, etc. They can often feel as though the marginalized identity that they perform is not authentic to them but that it is a learned behavior. Great Vincent. The I.C/ nadir not only applies to ancestry matters but in applying fixed stars to a natal chart it also represents the end of the matter, end of life, life work we are remembered for. Bad for funerals because of the risk of epidemics and sudden death, though, and all projects in progress should be worked on instead of being put aside. My venus is in 4th house in Gemini (Mercur, I have a perfect yod with Neptune in Libra, Pluto in Leo and the North Node, Hi. Venus conjunct MC quintile Neptune shows that you are artistic, have any eye for color, or music. This start's off as a highly fated feeling , mysterious connection. A Family Name. All of these were in conjunction to my Ascendant (16 Aries). Ascendant degree changes to next degree every four minutes therefore time of birth requires complete reliability I do not tend to be career oriented. Hello Zazle, thanks for your comment. Just sun and mercury in the nadir is not necessarily challenging it just means home life, family, roots play an important role. ty, I am curious a reply on this one as well , Hi Cheri ! Sun-Sirius people are able to attract people to them who identify with the role of the misfit or the rule breaker. Tom Jones 000 (and Mars), Nancy Sinatra 008 (and Mars), Fromental Halevy 009 (and Ascendant and Mars), Olivia De Havilland 017 (and Moon), Ernest Hemingway 026, Leona Helmsley 044 (and Sun), Carlos Santana 102, Errol Flynn 111, Kathie Lee Gifford 115, Steve Forbes 131, Mata Hari 139, Bob Dole 143 (and Pluto), Lucy Hale 146, Rafael Nadal 147, Tylyn John 157 (and Mars), Steve Martin 159, Petrarch 225. Moon conjunct Nadir is expressed in a very intuitive, caring manner with a deep connection to family, home and everything that signifies their roots, and they usually have the ability to find comfort within themselves. A caring and loyal family. Oppositions are supposed to be hard. Hi Jamie, would you say i have Sirius conjunct the ascendant if it is 3 degrees apart in the 12th house? When Sirius people investigate their histories with the purpose of overcoming other people, they become kings of their own universe but its an universe thats empty and not populated by anyone. I have a stellium that seems to make it difficult to get a good reading (maybe because its like, how do you blend all that to interpret it together?). Yesterday, I was talking to a long-time client with a 28 degree Cancer descendent. you need to choose a career (or what you put to the world) that comes from your heart, otherwise it does not really work. I could use some insight on that if youre willing. North node 13 cancer10thH. Just found your site! the more planets conjunct an angle, there is more chance for prominence. Anonymous from the year 379, translation by Giuseppe Bezza from CCAG V/1 pp. But the Lunar nodes are a complete mystery to me so far. In the period of time when Osiris is split open, time doesnt exist. Each year, around May 16, the Sun aligns with a powerful fixed star, Algol. New Moon in the First House. Hey, I have Saturn and Lilith in 4th house. The USA is a country that has its Sun conjunct Sirius. With Mars conjunct MC is an indication of physical component in ones career. I actually have two T-squares, linked by trines and sextiles. Sirius people have the choice to perform pain within liberal wound culture. I think astro.com has some information on this. Could it be that my venus is in virgo, trine Lilith and Chiron in 7th in Taurus, but my DC is in Aries (have both signs intercepted in 7th). Just being a bit bratty I guess but I do not need tittles nor miss them but I feel a certain way and others get that vibe of me also..Anyone else? Thanks for the article its very helpful! Moon angular people can easily bring out their caring and nurturing personality, especially with Jupiter. I have also a scorpio sun (in 10th house, but not near the MC) and capricorn rising. The other aspects involved you find in my comment above. What it means if a planet is in diffrrent house but conjuct an angle? That looks a bit like a loose conjunction to Sheat. It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. Uranus Conjunct Ascendant: the Path Less Taken - Astrology Planets That Conjunct the Ascendent - My Christian Psychic My Sun is 21 degrees Capricorn with my nadir is 16 degrees Cap/MC 16 degrees Cancer. Canopus Add one degree per 72 years to correct for. The most powerful are the ones closest to the angle. She and myself are the emotional and sensitive ones among the family. Be warned though that when Neptune It should be different I suppose. . This is a T-square but not a grand cross, as Venus is out of orb for the cross. Venus-Mars delineations for all Scorpio Venus and Mars combos. I have been attempting to study Venus quintile Neptune and started noticing the cardinal points again in my chart. I feel a bit confused about what I really want and want for my life I feel like something is going to change but I dont know where it will come from , (I clarify that Venus also has a separative quinquncio (150 ) with Uranus and applicative with Neptune , I appreciate your sharing your point of view . I dont know why but its something that happens more than its supposed to, statistically speaking. Performing these roles makes Venus-Sirius people feel like theyre alienated from themselves. Also, look at careers that can incorporate Neptunian energies in a positive manner, maybe like working for a non profit organization, hospitals, prisons, or other service oriented areas, where your Neptune energy may be accepted more readily. Also mars in capricorn exactly on nadir. [4], Sirius rules the nipple of the right breast in the human body. Rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake. It causes slight, sharp pains on the right side of the chest. Which is the Dutch TV journal. I havent seen any indications that Moon square Ascendant will give a cold appearance . It is considered that influence especially in conjunctions with planets or important points in the natal chart (especially the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, Bottom of the Sky). Sun on Sirius will overpower that effect to an extent, depending on how tight the orb of aspect is. Venus also makes no major aspects, and is co-ruler I have Taurus intercepted in 1st. etc. If Saturn be with the Moon, death by wild beasts or soldiers. I have Moon conjunct M.C in Virgo [1 degree orb] Now i am in training to be a psychoanalyst and i hope this is a good way to express all this energy. sirius conjunct descendant [1], A splendid and illustrious life; great, distinguished and opulent nature. As far as money goes, I play the lottery and win (mostly free plays, $10-20). Maybe there is no family issues but instead in your latter years you get involved with some kind of healing field of work in which you have an opportunity to be well known for either among your family or community, or status. (curious because I have that aspect in addition to Sun conjunct Sirius). And also Venus. As a body, Osiris represents the social body of a cultural group. They gather people, resources, and connections to build something that gets bigger and bigger over a huge amount of time. Thank you for answering!!! Theres so little online information about Sirius in the natal chart. If the conjunction is really tight, the person could be a poster child for the planet, and they project the energy of the conjunct planet in a very direct manner. Its a spectacular star and anyone who has personal aspects to Sirius has a magical ability to remix and reimagine history. She is known as, In Roman mythology, Juno was married to Jupiter. eclipse. Mars Uranus combo is the dare devil fiery brand aspect, and the people who have this are, This is a modified version of the article published in NCGR (National Center for Geocosmic Research) Newsletter, Moon Pluto Aspects in Astrology is called the most difficult aspect due to the intensity and potential. I wish I knew! I agree that Neptune is also about the virtual screen movies, photography, web designing, etc. Sorry, but the link of the 22nd Chinese Xiu refers to the fixed star Tejat Posterior, not Sirius. Thanks a lot! And then I have the South Node conjunct Asc/North Node conjunct Desc. Thanks for the your feedback. A lot of folks with this star prominent in their charts are first generation immigrants, are estranged from family, or exist as outliers in some way. It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. So success in business seems to be your karmic path. But I like to spend a lot of time at home and work at home in a home office. I also have stationary Neptune in 12th house Sagittarius, in a 1 degree square to Moon tightly conjunct MC in Virgo. So, how can I relate to Sirius conj my Jupiter in a different way? So if you really want an Fixed Star Charts & Reports - Blogger Home was not stable. Planets conjunct the Imum Coeli (IC) or the Nadir: Imum Coeli is the 4th house cusp and in latin means the bottom of the sky. Also Sirius is a very hot star & its energy provided must find an outlet or it burns. People who have Venus in hard aspect with Sirius can feel like theyre expected to perform marginalization or exceptionalism. Cancer is a nurturing sign it may be a healing career either of a cancerian or Capricornic nature. Hi Rose. And the hottest part of the year we still call the dog days, though, through the variation as observed in different latitudes, and the precession of the equinoxes, its rising has long ceased to have any relation to those days. 194-211. If linked to Pluto then even a genetic disorder. Thanks for this great article. This is an artsy aspect and maybe you somehow bring this energy in your career. Conjunct the ASC is very much stronger and so they struggle to feel solid. This is not the selfless giving seen in 12th house because here the Planet demands some attention and reward for the energy it is putting out to the world. Ancestor problems show up in the form of coincidences and synchronicities. Because Sirius people feel that they will never belong anywhere, they often feel like theyre stuck in a competitive environment in which everyone is always trying to prove how they stand out from the crowd. The Moon in here wants to be appreciated for its caring and care-taking abilities. Sirius conjunct Ascendant | Astrologers' Community
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