Science fiction does not need to be "hard" SF, but rigor is appreciated. 5.56 % of submissions accepted (9.0 avg. Took off our shoes, dangled our feet over the edge of the cliff. The piston pressed a rubber clown into shape. If you're wondering what kinds of markets you can pitch, there are plenty of options to consider. We understand. No publication has a 0% acceptance rate. 2. Other markets on my list, like Apex Magazine and The Dark Magazine, must receive at least this many submissions in the same period, and if I were a betting man, I’d wager they get a lot more. Fiction and Poetry Guidelines Arsenika is looking for previously unpublished original fiction and poetry up to 1,000 words long. Contributors include established writers and talented newcomers. Interior art rates are $15 — $40 per piece. No simultaneous submissions. They aim to respond within one month. Full guidelines: … Continuing with our series of “Best of 2020-2021” lists curated by the entire Entropy community, we present some of our favorite selections as nominated by the diverse staff and team…. No reprints. The note read: Dear John... Nonfiction, essay or memoir – up to 2,000 words Compose: A Journal of SImply Good Writing. They accept over half of their submissions. Please don't publish your story anywhere else on the web, including your own website. We accept fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, mixed media, visual arts, and even kitchen sinks, if they are compressed in some way. Rejections: 92.11 % (44.7 avg. Next, he removed the … Flash Read More » Flash Fiction Magazine – 11,000 visitors monthly. Average response is 14 days, but allow 30 days before querying. _____ Clarkesworld Clarkesworld Magazine is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine that publishes short stories, interviews, articles and audio fiction. Links to authors profile. Information in this section is updated a few times per day. by Gary Fincke | Flash Fiction | … Flash Fiction The ideal length for Flash Fiction submissions is about 500 to 750 words, but pieces up to 1500 words may be submitted in this category. We are an all-volunteer organization staffed by artists and writers who work together as promoters and stewards of literary and visual arts. Please upload 3-5 previously unpublished poems in ONE FILE for our review. Suspense Magazine All stories must be in the suspense/thriller/mystery genre. They publish short fiction and flash fiction in the western genre. The Top 100: Most Approachable Fiction Publications. Sick Lit Magazine A fledgling journal headed up by a team of editors who are amazing writers themselves, (b)OINK specialize in flash fiction, poetry, and narrative nonfiction of 1,500 words or less. If your work is selected for inclusion in an anthology, you’ll receive 2 cents per word. Here are some couple of things the compiled list of the literary magazines accepting submissions is all about: Most of the magazines are literary magazines that pay writers for short stories, poetry, fiction, non fiction, art works and photography. About Us. Works Considered: Open to all genres, themes, and writers. Rejections are often underreported, which skews the statistics in favor of acceptances. Payment: 8-12 cents per word on acceptance. Please consult us with your ideas for more information. This data is based on submission reports sent to Duotrope, and we have not received reports of any acceptances yet. by Entropy December 11, 2021. Reprints accepted. Read Flash Fiction Magazine books to see what stories we have previously paid for. In addition to the guidelines listed below, you should subscribe to our social media feeds. They really do deliver on their promise to publish a flash fiction piece daily. The annual BLR Literary Prizes are open for submission March through July each year. The Arcanist is hosted on Medium and publishes a new work of sci-fi, fantasy or horror flash fiction each Friday. The Common. You just want to know the basics so you can get on with writing more stories. QUARTERLY MAGAZINE SUBMISSIONS Cleaver Magazine accepts submissions year-round. Submissions are free, but you must have read a recent issue (prices start from £3), or be a Lucent Dreaming subscriber , to submit work to the magazine. This is an online journal of upbeat and warm fiction, poetry, art, and essays. Payment is $100 per story and $30 for flash fiction. The following guidelines are archived for posterity. - Pro Markets Page. Submit to WriteWords here. They pay 5 to 8 cents (US) per word for short stories (to 7000 words) with adjusted pay scales for longer works. What follows are four rules I (mostly) follow when writing stories under 1,000 words. Simultaneous submissions are allowed. Best of 2020-2021: Favorite Presses, Magazines, Publishers, Journals. Beginning in January 2021, our submission portal for original stories will be open from the 1st to 21st of each month. days per acceptance) | 26.32 % of submitters accepted ! Burning Down the House. Guest Editors and staff Submissions Editors read blind and have no access to … When our current issue debuts, we select a few pieces from the most recent past issue to publish online. “We like our stories like we like our dart frogs: small, brightly colored, and deadly to … Rejections are often underreported, which skews the statistics in favor of acceptances. Essay: We are interested in pieces that examine the state of art (defined broadly) and culture in the world today as well as the past. Milkman. We do not consider poetryInclude the word count and a print-ready, third-person bio with your cover letter. Reprints are also now accepted, with a payment rate of 2 cents per word. Remember that Flash Fiction is not the same as “vignette;” even very short works should still present an interesting and compelling story. Patricia Patterson is a Mexican-American writer and editor based in Central North Carolina. For example: 1. They have a fairly high acceptance rate. Rate: $20.00 USD per poem. SmokeLong publishes flash narratives--fiction, nonfiction, and hybrid--up to 1000 words. Genres: Poetry, flash fiction and artwork Nightmare-magazine Submission Deadlines: No Payment: 6¢ per word Submission Fee: None Genres: Horror and dark fantasy Submission Deadlines: June 15 – September 15, December 15 – March 15 Payment: $50 Submission Fee: None Most publishers have a lower acceptance rate than indicated here. Comstock Review. Milkman. Rejections are often underreported, which skews the statistics in favor of acceptances. It’s a great place to get your reading fix. It is not, of course, the only way to write flash fiction or even the best way to write flash fiction. Semi-pro: Generally, all fantasy magazines that pay a semi-pro rate are reputable and pay a very good rate. Oh, how the world turns in the circle of a can. The statistics in this section are compiled from submission reports sent to us through our submission tracker. Fiction Latest. When…. This page lists flash fiction, micro fiction, sudden fiction, twitterage, twitterature, dribble, drabble, minisaga, nanotale, micro-story and very short fiction competitions, prizes and awards. Based in St. Louis, Missouri. Each story should be sent in … The Coffin Factory. ... Rates start at 10 USD for flash fiction and 20 USD for fiction over 1000 words. Articles: 1 cent per word, $25 cap. View our general guidelines below. Simultaneous submissions are allowed. Payment is between $50 and $250 per piece plus a free copy. Submissions should be emailed to Please attach all submissions in .doc or rtf format—we will not accept submissions embedded in the body of email. Dark Matter Magazine is a S F market that aims to ‘ bring you stories that explore the shadow side of reality.’ They welcome dark science fiction and darkly humorous science fiction stories (in a wide range of sub-genres) of 1000-5000 words, and pay 8c/ word on acceptance. We also accept reprints, however this must be indicated in the submission. Token: A magazine that offers a ‘token’ in exchange for accepted submissions, for example, a free copy of their issue. We prefer 1,000-6,000 We pay on acceptance, via PayPal. What unifies Edify Fiction's content is its ability to be positive, inspirational, and motivating. Otoliths . Oh, how the world turns in the circle of a can. Flash Fiction Magazine publish one flash fiction story a day on their website as well as publishing a few anthologies a year to showcase their best stories. Ten Word Stories – should be a complete story, exactly 10 words (limit 2 per submission) Example: He woke. We receive more than 3000 submissions a year with an acceptance rate of slightly 7.25%. Otoliths An online journal of visual poetry, poetry, short fiction, essays, and art, they accept over half of what is submitted to them. days per withdrawal) We explore how writing works, reading pieces with a focus on the elements of craft, on the art of prose. We seek flash fiction of 500 words or less. We walked past the lit and deserted fairgrounds, the empty stables, up the hill that overlooks town and shared the first cigarette on an outcropping where we sat. 499. The following fiction publishers are among the Top 100 most approachable (highest acceptance percentage), according to responses reported by our users. by Talia Weisz | Fiction | 0 . Black Warrior Review (fiction, nonfiction, and poetry) Carve Magazine (honest fiction, poetry, nonfiction, in-depth interviews, and illustrations) East of the Web (short stories) Flash Fiction Online (up to 1000 words) Vestal Review (they don’t read submissions in June, July, Dec, and Jan; flash fiction up to 500 words) New Reader Magazine purchases First Electronic Rights for submissions to our quarterly journal as well as our website. Show us what you’ve created. The BLR seeks high-caliber, unpublished work, broadly and creatively related to our themes of health, healing, illness, the mind, and the body. Free Flash Fiction Competition Seven Long-list The Free Flash Fiction Website promotes a broad range of flash fiction styles, publicises the work of new and established authors, and offers stories to readers for free. $20 flat rate for flash fiction reprints. The ideal length for Flash Fiction submissions is about 500 to 750 words, but pieces up to 1500 words may be submitted in this category. Milk, chicken feed, cowboy boots, saddles. We admire all forms of transgressive, absurdist, and minimalist literature. We encourage you to read BLR before you submit. (b)OINK. In exchange for signing up for their email list, they send you a free ebook of a whole bunch of flash fiction. Se puede enviarnos […] Work is published weekly, without labels, and the labels here only exist to help us determine its best readers. We sincerely look forward to reading your work. The pro-rate is eight cents per word. Last updated 19th December 2021. days per rejection) | 0.0 % personal, 88.6 % form, 11.4 % unspecified: Non-Responses: 7.89 %: Lost/Returned-Never Responded-Withdrawals: 7.89 % (34.7 avg. Simultaneous submissions is accepted. Mark Rich wrote a piece on the history of specpo for Strange Horizons, a weekly magazine that focuses on fiction as well as other genres of sci-fi. Submissions may be in English, Spanish, and/or Chinese. They’re looking for stories of between … Flash Fiction: under 1,500 words, prefers 500 and 1000 words. To get an idea of what kind of work we like, please see the various works we have published in the past. This took three seconds. The recipient of the 2021 Haunted Waters Press Short Shorts Award for Flash Fiction will receive a $300 cash award, print publication in the 2021 issue of From the Depths, and a Featured Author Interview to appear alongside their work. Apparition Lit is a quarterly speculative fiction magazine that features original short stories, poetry, and artwork. From 30th March 2022 we have an open submission window and accept work all year round. Flash Fiction Magazine – 11,000 visitors monthly. By this we mean science fiction, fantasy, slipstream, etc. by Denise Robbins | Fiction | 0 . First, he pushed a button which lowered a pneumatic piston. We feature previously unpublished creative work weekly, with occasional reprints, as well as weekly critical pieces including essays on narrative craft, interviews, book annotations and reviews, and more. Submit only 1 piece. Kicking, barefoot, into the unknown. We receive more than 3000 submissions a year with an acceptance rate of slightly 7.25%. Flash Fiction Online pays $60 for original fiction. Please read our guidelines and submit accordingly. A flat rate of A$25 will be paid per story. $0.08/word for fiction. upstreet – (also accepts short stories and essays) this award-winning annual literary anthology reads from 1 September to 1 March. Remember that Flash Fiction is not the same as Vignette; your short piece should still present an interesting and compelling story. They have an over 50 percent acceptance rate. That works out to a 1.52% acceptance rate, which puts Red Room Magazine in line with most pro and semi-pro markets. Poetry and non-fiction are free to submit, but fiction works will cost $3 per submission. Submission Procedures All submissions should follow proper manuscript format (modern edition, preferably). Include your bio in your cover letter. We accept fiction stories between 300–1000 words. Cold Mountain Review. The Offbeat, a literary journal specializing in undisputedly unique works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and sequential art, is accepting submissions. Even though they have such a high acceptance rate for the magazine, which you can read online, their anthology series has an acceptance rate that is probably much lower (although I couldn’t find the details). Earlier in the summer, we asked you to vote for your favorite science fiction and fantasy reads of the past decade — so here are 50 fabulous reads, curated by our expert judges and you, the readers. LitMag Print: Upon acceptance, we pay $500 for full-length fiction or nonfiction (5,000+ words); $250 for fiction or nonfiction (2,500-4,999 words); $125 for a poem, a group of short poems, or a short short (flash). It’s a great place to get your reading fix. It’s just my way. Include word count in header. Potato Soup An online journal that publishes flash fiction and short stories. Scribble. Scribble, Park Publications, 14 The Park, Stow on the Wold, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL54 1DX UK. We do not accept poetry collections. We prefer a simple cover letter.Please remove all identifying information from your story’s document. Google does not like duplicate content. up to £75. Frontier Tales They publish western and historical short fiction. They have an over 50 percent acceptance rate. Inclusion: Factor Four Magazine wants diverse voices and believes that inclusion is important in publishing a speculative fiction magazine. CRAFT is a literary magazine for fiction and creative nonfiction. Flash Fiction stories of around 500 words. $100 flat rate for reprints. They really do deliver on their promise to publish a flash fiction piece daily. Science fiction does not need to be "hard" SF, but rigor is appreciated. Our published magazine dates are as follows: . They accept approximately half of the work they receive. 21.43 % of submissions accepted (24.5 avg. Flash fiction by Kevin Spaide. Two Speckled Fawns. 300 to 5,000 for fiction, 2,500 max for articles, 40 lines max for poetry - they accept full-spectrum sci-fi and will publish all subgenres of science fiction. Followers. Our response time is generally 1-5 days. A list of print and online literary magazines to read and submit your work to. No simultaneous submissions. Spring 22 - Goes live March with our WriteWords Competition . We will consider flash series--three or more flash tales built around a common theme. Established in 1985. So let me tell you about my new and improved flash fiction formula. According to Duotrope, (b)OINK’s current acceptance rate is about 26 percent and better yet, it typically gives you a yea or a nay within three days. Updated in the Last Month: Apex Magazine -OPEN to subs. days per acceptance) | 8.54 % of submitters accepted ! Vestal Review charges $2 per submission and pays $25 for each published story. All of these flash fiction markets have slightly different submission requirements, so make sure you read their submissions page before you submit to ensure you have the best chance of selling your story. Children, Churches, and Daddies His station was the form rubber pressing machine. Gigantic Sequins is a print literary arts journal whose issues come out twice a year. days per acceptance) | 1.20 % of submitters accepted ! Flash Fiction Online is open to submissions on a revolving basis; be sure to check the website to see if they’re currently open. Stories should be between 500–1,000 words long, in any genre other than erotica. The editors particularly like fantasy and science fiction, but they’re open to any well-crafted flash fiction. Mused. We are also looking for flash fiction, from 500 to 1000 words. Blank Fiction Magazine aims to provide our readers with entertaining, intelligent and thought-provoking genre literature. They accept poems, limericks, micro flash fiction (under 150 words), flash fiction (up to 1,000 words), short stories, articles, essays, and poems. Any submissions not in English will be translated by S. Qiouyi Lu. Most publishers have a lower acceptance rate than indicated here. Mystery Weekly Magazine is actually published monthly, in print and digital editions. Do not send them simultaneous submissions. They pay 8 cents (US) per word. Factor Four Magazine publishes flash fiction (up to 1500 words) in quarterly print, ebook and online editions. They do not accept simultaneous submissions and they ask for 3 months to make a decision. Her fiction is featured or forthcoming in PANK, Porter House Review, EcoTheo Review, and elsewhere. Both Micro and Flash categories are open year round and we do not charge any submission fees. GUIDELINES. LitMag Online: Upon acceptance, we pay $125. Elsewhere. It publishes flash fiction of 500 words or less twice a year, both in print and online. It accepts a range of genres, but literary fiction is the most likely to be published. Submissions are only accepted in February–May and August–November, and you can only submit two stories in any given reading period. We are an all-volunteer organization staffed by artists and writers who work together as promoters and stewards of literary and visual arts. Payment: Fiction: 1 cent per word, with a $50 cap; $25 per accepted reprint. It is not, of course, the only way to write flash fiction or even the best way to write flash fiction. They are not provided by the publication's editors/staff or by Duotrope's admins. Creative Nonfiction / Essay Current Events List. We publish online monthly and in print annually. UK. QUARTERLY MAGAZINE SUBMISSIONS Cleaver Magazine accepts submissions year-round. The Free Flash Fiction Library Martha Lane: Competition Five Winning Story: 2He Carys Crossen: The Perils of Vampire Hunting in Limerick, Ireland Kate Simblet: Competition Five Highly Commended: Guilty Rachel O’Cleary: Competition Five Highly Commended: Night is an Unbroken Line Daniel Baldwin: Competition Five Shortlisted: The Physics of Attraction Stewart McKay: … Each anthology contains 50 pieces of flash fiction by 50 different writers. Fractured Lit is open year-round and is available to all writers. by Kevin Spaide | Flash Fiction | 0 . We accept fiction (flash and short stories), memoir, poetry, art, and photography. More: Flash Fiction Short Stories Literature Books & Fiction Get book recommendations, fiction, poetry, and dispatches from the world of literature in your in-box. Also, our acceptance rate is currently about 3% of submissions. Guidelines for Fiction The Dark is an online magazine … They accept flash fiction and stories of up to 5000 words, including genre fiction. We seek flash fiction of 500 words or less. They have an over 50 percent acceptance rate. Split Lip Magazine is a voice-driven literary journal with a pop culture twist. We put updates there on the type of work we are looking for, the latest acceptance rates, and give writing prompts for story ideas. Coffin Bell Journal. We want to see it all. In exchange for signing up for their email list, they send you a free ebook of a whole bunch of flash fiction. Flash Frog is a new online flash fiction magazine featuring stories under 1,000 words. trampset. Twice a year, we read submissions for these issues. 1. They pay. Apex Apex is a beautiful publication that publishes science fiction, fantasy, and horror. So here's the important stuff you need to know. Rejections Superunknown: Stories About Songs Latest. The least payment for each accepted works is $20. Fiction works should stand alone and not be excerpts of a longer work. It’s just my way. Craft essays are also welcome. Pays a rate of 0.01 USD per CogShift.Literarium.App.DTOs.UnitTypeDto?.Name for unpublished Short Story, Flash Fiction pieces up to 10,000 Word. Whether you are a fiction fanatic or a pure poet, there is a literary magazine out there for you! We accept simultaneous submissions but ask that you inform us immediately and withdraw your work if your story is accepted elsewhere. Fiction: Submit one piece of no more than 5000 words, single-spaced throughout. Ghost City Review welcomes submissions of poems, short stories, flash fiction, personal essays, adventure narratives, journal entries, short plays, monologues, translations, photographs, oil paintings, watercolors, sculptures, dioramas…. Flash Frog is a new online flash fiction magazine featuring stories under 1,000 words. We pay our authors $50 for original micro fiction and $75 for … You're the busy writerly type. Free Flash Fiction Write, Edit, Submit Free Flash Fiction Competition Shortlist is here!! pretty much anything you can think of. The Offbeat is calling for the zany, the thought-provoking, the humorous, and the quirky to submit work for us to read! Brilliant Flash Fiction Writing Contests Submission Statistics. Contest - Flash Fiction. Submit. Payments can be made by check or PayPal. The journal welcomes unsolicited flash, poetry and fiction submissions by both emerging, and established authors. Works Considered: Open to all genres, themes, and writers. They accept a limited number of reprints at rates up to 50% of first publication rates. Horror may be accepted in this section, however must have an element of the supernatural. It is important to note that Bayou Magazine reviews submissions from September 1- May 1, with a response time of 1 to 5 months. (A minimum of 25 people reporting responses to … The recipient of the 2021 Haunted Waters Press Short Shorts Award for Flash Fiction will receive a $300 cash award, print publication in the 2021 issue of From the Depths, and a Featured Author Interview to appear alongside their work. Our online subscription offers online access to all the fine work from the most recent issue in addition to an expanding archive of previous issues and other … They ask for 90 days to respond but generally respond in less. We publish fiction, nonfiction, and poetry on a rolling basis. The Clown Machine by Zaqary Anderson September 6, 2021 Tom worked at a toy factory. No previously published work. (Payed via check or PayPal)  Genre(s) of Creativity: Short Fiction: 1,500 and 6,000 words, prefers 4,500 words. Read internationally. Submissions: Please submit only one poem at a time. Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art. ... Fiction rates apply; PHOTO ESSAYS, VIDEOS, AND MIXED MEDIA. Flash Fiction International: Very Short Stories from Around the World has been my go-to flash source since it came out earlier this year. Once your work has been published, all rights revert back to you. by Gary Fincke | Flash Fiction | 0 . Meteor Shower. The Collagist (now The Rupture) Colorado Review. General submissions are accepted year-round. Most publishers have a lower acceptance rate than indicated here. View our general guidelines below. We do not believe in silent rejections, we send a response to all submissions. Flash Fiction We will be open for issue 11 submissions between 1st November 2021 – 6th February 2022. Payment: Fiction is paid at a rate of eleven (11) U.S. cents per word based on our word processor’s word count and excludes title, author information, etc. Fiction – should be a complete story, up to 3,500 words (no excerpts) Flash Fiction – should be a complete story, up to 1,000 words. Payment: 8-12 cents per word on acceptance. The won’t accept anything over 1,000 words and they pay $50 per piece upon acceptance. So let me tell you about my new and improved flash fiction formula. SUBMIT TO GHOST CITY REVIEW . An increased heart rate, pale or flushed skin, an intense desire to hide behind your phone when you realize that everyone else at the party actually likes sports. by Talia Weisz | Fiction | 0 . by Denise Robbins | Fiction | 0 . Creative Non-Fiction We currently feature two separate submission categories, based on the length of the work submitted: Micro Fiction, for work under 400 words; and Flash Fiction, for work 401-1,000 words. 0.60 % of submissions accepted (186.0 avg. Fractured Lit publishes micro and flash fiction from writers of any background or experience. No reprints. Now available in print and online, Boulevard is a biannual literary magazine publishing contemporary fiction, essays, interviews, and poetry. His job consisted of two things. No simultaneous submissions. Glint: Glint Literary Journal, a publication of the Department of English at Fayetteville State University, celebrates innovation in style and voice. Explore the site sections and our Medium archive for more. What follows are four rules I (mostly) follow when writing stories under 1,000 words. Rejections. We accept quality short stories of between 500 and 3000 words. Submission Guidelines – Flash Fiction Online. Payment: $0.10/word for fiction (up to 5,000 words), $50/poem (any length), and $100/nonfiction piece (any length). Last Changed: Tuesday, 4 January 2022 37 Market Listings. An online journal that publishes flash fiction and short stories. More information. Submission window 1st January to 18th March 22 at 7pm UK time (open theme). She had left. The Lesbian Historic Motif Podcast - OPEN to subs until 31 January 2022. They are always open for submissions and the best story of every month receives $100 and publication in their next anthology. Two Speckled Fawns. Brilliant Flash Fiction delivers vibrant stories from around the world illustrated with dazzling photography. They welcome submissions in poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, and visual art from persons of diverse cultures, nationalities, and religions. Arsenika is permanently closed to submissions. Barren Magazine Barren Magazine is a literary publication that features fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, photography, and mixed media for hard truths, long stares, and gritty lenses. _____ Clarkesworld Clarkesworld Magazine is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine that publishes short stories, interviews, articles and audio fiction. Since 2007, Flash Fiction Online has been a professional ezine that celebrates this unique form of writing by publishing brief, beautiful, and dynamic flash fiction. Daily Science Fiction (DSF) is a market accepting speculative fiction stories from 100 to 1,500 words in length. Reprints are also now accepted, with a payment rate of 2 cents per word. Flash fiction by Kevin Spaide. Payment for poetry ranges from $25 to $50. An online journal of visual poetry, poetry, short fiction, essays, and art, they accept over half of what is submitted to them. Below are the top 50 literary magazines that are ready to showcase your story.. Based on the search tool SimilarWeb, I averaged out the traffic visits of each website from the last three months and ranked them according to the number of monthly visitors each literary journal receives.
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