No Spam - just posts. 21 hrs Left WWI 13TH ENGINEER TRENCHART PAINTED BRODIE HELMET $110. He then discusses the attack at Donnellys Fort. I mention this real fact, the better to enable your Excellency to form a judgment for the disposal of the Regiment. Virginia had sent George Rogers Clark on his expedition west, and now he was poised to take Detroit. Harris. This one was also previously unknown to me, and discusses the same period of service: [H]e volunteered in the service of the United States in the month of March 1779 and served nine months in the State of Virginia against the Shaun (Shawnee) Indians. Not only that, but he states that he joined a company commanded by Captain James Byrnside, and that they marched to Fort Pitt in 1777 and there joined Col. Brodheads command and built Fort McIntosh, on the Ohio River. The Greenbrier Militia already had rendezvoused three days earlier at Byrnsides Fort, along with the Dixon brothers: [H]e entered the service of the United States of the following named officers & served as herein stated: that he was drafted in the month of February in the year 1781 under Captain John Henderson and Lieutenant John Woods and Major Andrew Hamilton had the command. Benjamin' Harrison Company - 13th Virginia Regiment" family, on Ancestry. Indeed, Company C, Capt. Mordecai Myers's Co. Capt. It was occupied until it was abandoned in 1791. when the time expired I applied for a discharge and was told by Col Gibson that I was in the regular service and to go about my business. Heres another soldier mustered under Capt. The application contains an amendment, this time with more detail: [W]hile he was stationed at Fort McIntosh, he was sent out with fifteen or twenty others on a scouting party; while out on this party they were attacked by about forty Indians and succeeded in killing a great many of them. While he was there, the Shawnee attacked the Graham family. All rights reserved. William McIlvain's Co. preserve, publish, and encourage the use of documentary sources, relating to the history of It reported 16 casualties at Cross Keys and Port Republic, 111 at Gaines Mill, 34 at Cedar Mountain, 46 at Second Manassas, 22 at Fredericksburg, and 36 at Chancellorsville. 13th Virginia Regiment 14th Virginia Regiment 15th Virginia Regiment 1st Virginia State Regiment 2nd Virginia State Regiment Miscellaneous German Regiment Grayson's Regiment Hartley's Regiment Hazen's Regiment Malcolm's Regiment Patton's Regiment Provisional Rifle Corps (Morgan's) Spencer's Regiment that they told him he must goe with them to Niagara, that he made his Escape; By going to hunt for his horse. And that he this deponant perfectly recollects of hearing the said Peter Dixon, state more than thirty years since, that he the said Peter, was drafted for the term of six months in Greenbrier County Virginia, in the War of the Revolution. In the State of Indiana, Personally appeared before me the undersigned Justice of the peace in and for Warren County in said County, Peter Dixon, aged fifty years, who after being duly sworn deposeth & saith that he has been well acquainted with his Uncle Peter Dixon, who is an applicant for a pension, as this deponent is informed, for services rendered the United States during the War of the Revolution. It was again reorganized and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 1 January 1781 to consist of two companies. He was also, of all the known pension applications, the individual who was garrisoned in Byrnsides Fort the longest period of time, apparently serving there in 1774, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780 and 1781. It was also at McAfees Station in Kentucky where Capt. he says the News of Burgoynes Surrender had not Reached there.4, Lt Cane was ordered down the Country to Bring up the Cloathing for the Remainder of the 13th Virga Regt now here, But as the Cloathing is not Yet Arrived, and the men Being in the most distressed Condition, I have now sent Capt. Walking and history of bicycling. That as early as the 1stday of May in the year 1779 he again commenced his Services in Burnsides Fort and continued in service until the 1stof November following that he thinks it was in this year a party of Indians came into the settlement and Murdered William Bradshaws Wife the circumstances are these Bradshaw had remained at home with his Family and two of the Spys returning to Cooks Fort [on Indian Creek just below Greenville] called at his Cabbin to rest and informed him. It was not until May that GW reluctantly ordered the remainder of the 13th Virginia Regiment at Valley Forge to march to Fort Pitt (see GW to Pickering, 23 May). During the Summer of 1780 he was permitted to remain in quiet there being no along given in the Settlement of the approach of the Indians and no depredations were committed that year. In May of 1778, Washington appointed Brigadier General Lachlan McIntosh, of Georgia, to succeed Gen. Hand in running the entire Western Department primarily Fort Pitt. Col. John Gibson which regiment was attached to the command of Gen. Lachlan McIntosh. The 10th Virginia Regiment of the Virginia Line was initially raised on December 28, 1775 in western Virginia for service with the Continental Army. modern editorial content, are copyright The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. This narrative was previously known, and has been often cited as being a good description of the details surrounding service as an Indian Spy, a militia ranger tasked with being the early warning system of an Indian attack, as well as being the quick reaction force in the event of an emergency. 13th Virginia Regiment Frontier, Native Americans, Strategy, The War Years (1775-1783) May 11, 2021 May 12, 2021. From this service he was discharged but not in writing. Wright and being stationed at Byrnsides Fort, under Capt. 2021 Valley Forge Legacy Muster Roll Project. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War . Travelled to a place near the Crab Orchard [in Lincoln County KY], we encamped at night. It is with the utmost reluctance we address ourselves to your Excellency on this occasion (at a time when the necessities of the State require the utmost exertion of its members in its defence) to request that you will Prolong the Term in which we are to furnish said recruits, till the return of o[ur] Militia from Colo. Clarke, or at least till such time as [the]y have got into the Indian Country and may have drawn their attention to his operations. What struck me is the summary of the June 1777, I agree, and checked my source before submitting. He retired September 30. of Greenbrier County in the State of Virginia where I then lived for the defense of the Northwestern frontiers which were annoyed by the attacks of hostile Indians that we marched with a force of 100 men under the command of Captain Ben Harriss for Point Pleasant on the Ohio River near the mouth of the Kenhoura [Kanawha] river we arrived there with many of our men sic of the flux. [I]n the year 1781 I was drafted & marched from Greenbrier County under Capt John Henderson. It seems likely that West and Wright were a part of the relief force mounted from Camp Union, as described by John Stuart and Matthew Arbuckle as having around 65 men from the local forts. Next, Littleton West discusses being drafted to go to Kentucky in the early 1780s, and that he couldnt go because he had gotten married by then, so he found a substitute. Walker's Brigade. Companies recruited men from Yohogania County; Monongalia County and West Augusta District, now Ohio County. Here's a list of over 20 Black-owned restaurants and bars that you can visit to celebrate Black History Month in Pensacola. While at Fort Pitt he was sent out on a campaign under the command of Col Gibson and Crawford. He states that he was stationed at Byrnsides Fort for 30 days in 1779, or 1780, with 30 men. He was confronted with the same issues that previous generals had faced before him: shortages of supplies, food, and men. George McCormicks DAR record says that he served in the Virginia 13th Regiment under Colonels Crawford and Russell. The acquisition of Texas involved us in the Mexican War. Without a guide to help his men go farther north, Brodhead returned to Fort Pitt and his men sacked and burned empty American Indian towns along the way. That he was marched accross the Blue Ridge of Mountains at Rockfish gap, thence directly to the City of Richmond, thence down the James River to Sandy Point where he with the company to which he belonged crossed the River and thence to Camp Carson an encampment in what was called the dismal Swamp near a place called Portsmouth in the State of Virginia, where he was stationed the greater part of the winter, and from thence he was marched with the Army in the spring to Murdoughs Mills [possibly Murdocks Mill] still nearer to Portsmouth where he remained untill the 9thof April 1781 when he was discharged having served a tour of three months; that during said three months Tour of service he was in one engagement or skirmish under the command of the aforesaid officers at or in sight of Portsmouth; that Captain Cunningham from Rockbridge County, Virginia was wounded in the groin; that the Captain received his wound a few paces in his front there was also one soldier wounded in the leg & was placed on a carriage and bourn off the field or ground of the engagement. That he entered the service of the United States, & served under the following named Officers, he was drafted for six months at the House or Station called, Burnsides Station [near present Salt Sulfur Springs in Monroe County WV], in month of February 1778, in the company commanded, by Captain John Henderson, Lieutenant John Woods. That he moved from the Eastern part of Augusta County in the year 1774 to Turkey Creek a tributary stream of Indian Creek now in the County of Monroe then he thinks called West Augusta and better known by the name of the Greenbriar [sic: Greenbrier] Country. During the Gettysburg Campaign it was left at Winchester as provost guard. 6 vols. Junior or the II had served in the Revolutionary War as a private soldier in Captain Garland Kurnley`s Company of Albemarle Barracks Guards under Colonel Francis Taylor`s, 9th Virginia Regiment. The return includes three companies of the 13th Virginia Regiment and two companies of independent Virginia troops, a total of 256 men, including 15 commissioned officers, 28 noncommissioned officers, and 213 rank and file. Additional regiments were raised, and then many were transferred to the emerging "national" Continental army - where they served outside of the new . That was 1778, so he confused his dates. Crawford was experienced in frontier warfare, well-liked by his men, and had served as an officer under Gen. Hands squaw campaign the year prior. No. REVOLUTIONARY WAR ERA: Jonathan Fowle 13-star flag 1 national color REVOLUTIONARY WAR ERA REPRODUCTION FLAGS "Grand Union" flag (Siege of Boston) . That about the first of February 1781 he was drafted for six month in Captain Wm Hamiltons Company to serve against to Indians and on the 14thof February he marched and rendezvoused on the 15that Burnsides [Fort Burnside], near where Union now stands in the County of Monroe Virginia he then was marched to Fort Chisel in the County of Montgomery [Fort Chiswell now in Wythe County VA] where he was attached to the company of Captain John Henderson John Woods was Lieutenant Andrew Hamilton Magor where they remained for some cause he never new what they guarded a few Tories there and was sometimes told that they was to be marched against some Tories that was stationed up the New River at one time it was said that they was to be attacked by the Tories and they went in camp prepared Bullets &c for the engagement but no engagement took place that the campaign was so irregularly conducted that he left them and returned home after serving only five months. < J. Alston wm culled to tbe cbnir, and R. A. MoKoight appointed Secretary pro t*m. Tlio Chairman having called tbe meeting to or- ,0 He sided with the French after Braddocks defeat in 1755, taking part in the September 1758 victory over British and provincial troops under the command of Maj. James Grant. He described their return journey in a letter: Three days were occupied in destroying standing corn and burning houses. 2. The regiment was formally authorized as a unit of the Continental Army on September 16, 1776. He served as Captain at the battle of Germantown in Colonel William Russells Virginia regiment. View, Print & Share. The regiment or Battallion commanded by major Andrew Hamilton in Greenbrier County, State of Virginia, marched from thence to Fort Chisell (Fort Chiswell in present Wythe County VA). Left Valley Forge in May 1778 for Fort Pitt. He states that after the term of his service expired for which he was drafted he was discharged by his Captain Thomas Wright. He also sometimes went in company with the late Colonel Samuel Estill of Kentuckey; [T]hat the place where he performed the aforesaid services as an Indian Spy was in the gaps and low places in the chain of mountains between William Laffertys plantation on New River and the head waters of Laurel Creek where they met the Spies from Burnsides Fort. American Revolutionary War: John Page (April 28, 1743 - October 11, 1808) was an American politician. 3.Simon Girty (17411818), an Indian trader born near Harrisburg, Pa., and raised partly among Seneca Indians, had been employed as an interpreter for the Americans around Fort Pitt as early as 1759 and as a scout during Dunmores War in 1774. from Fort to Fort and give the alarm so that preparations might be made for defensive operations by the people that were forted and that those who had ventured out to work their corn might betake themselves to the Fort before the Indians would attack them. Lafayette helped Colonel Richard Campbell Major Richard Taylor Major Richard Campbell Lieutenant Colonel Walker was promoted to colonel . The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. Charlottesville, Va., 197679. State Troops recruited men from Botetourt, Augusta, Hampshire, and Frederick counties and West Augusta District. Fort McIntosh was an early American log frontier fort situated near the confluence of the Ohio River and the Beaver River in what is now Beaver, Pennsylvania. My self with two or three others did not. Inside were three barracks, warehouses, officers quarters, a forge, kitchen, and powder magazines. Either Hamiltons Fort is the same fort as Arbuckles Fort, or Arbuckles Fort was gone by 1777. 1.Gibson enclosed a general return, dated 3 Dec., of the troops at Fort Pitt, where he was serving as colonel commandant (DLC:GW). I know versions of his diary exist elsewhere, but the war time entries can be found, Thank you for sharing that, Adam. He this said declarant halted at said Garison untill the troops commanded by General Hann (Edward Hand) would arive this said declarant was to join General Hann to go against the Indians on the Sciote (Scioto River) now in the State of Ohio While he this said declarant lay at Point Pleasent, aforesaid Robert Gilmore a private (Lt. James Gilmore) in the Company that this said declarant belonged to was kild by the Indians. or, as presently, several Revolutionary records buried in a collection of agreat library. Gibson made an error when adding the figures of one row of the return, resulting in an incorrect total of 258. Also competing for power in the region was Col. William Crawford, who commanded various militia units around Fort Pitt at this time. Both Pennsylvania and Virginia were claiming to own Pittsburgh. On December 27, 1776 it was assigned to the Southern Department, then under the command of General . John Gibson (17401822) was a French and Indian War veteran and Indian trader who had settled near Fort Pitt. He was concerned, however, that doing so might set an uncomfortable precedent, and he complained to Horatio Gates on 9 Mar. ==Summary== The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Journal of the American Revolution is the leading source of knowledge about the American Revolution and Founding Era. >"% '^' k:' * n^ >7-, %.^ ^^% ,x^^' - '^. Marched to McAfees Station on Salt River, where Capt. That he was again drafted in the latter part of the summer or in the early part of the autumn of the same year 1781 from the County of Augusta and State aforesaid & was again command by Captain Thomas Hicklin and was attached to a Regiment commanded by Colonel Samuel Vance; that he was marched accross the Blue Ridge at Rockfish gap, thence on by a place called Bowling green, thence on by Pages Ware House and thence on to Little York where Lord Cornwallis with his Army were then stationed; that he was at the Seige of York [28 Sep 19 Oct 1781] and at the taking of Lord Cornwallis and his army; that the British Army was marched out between two lines of the American Army to the place where they laid down their arms and then they returned through the same lines to their encampment in York Town, and on the next day they were marched out with their knapsacks on, and then took up their line of march under a strong escort or guard of the American Soldiers to the Barracks at Winchester Virginia; that he was one of the guard who escorted the prisoners to Winchester where he was discharged on the next day after his arrival having again served a tour of about three months as near as he now recollects. [H]e recollects of no other injury received by the American Army in the aforesaid skirmish. Upton and James Strond and that they met with a party of 7 or 8 Indians who was making their way into the settlement that they fired at each other when the Indians soon retreated without doing any damage with the exceptions of wounding Strond he in company with his companions returned to the Garrison to apprise the Garrison of the approach of the Indians when they give the Intelligence himself in company with 7 or 8 others was ordered out to meet a company from the big Levels of Greenbrier to go in persuit of the Indians the company from the Levils failed in coming on and he returned to his Garrison when he lerned the Indians had been in the neighbourhood and killed James Monday took his wife and child into captivity and after traveling about four miles killed and skelped the child [Apr 1780] they also at this time wounded Samuel McClung. The major under whomaffiantserved was Andrew Hamilton.