1:31:00 Because Oh no, you need to wear a mask of physical therapy. Yet, we still have these people walking around with this fork and face diaper on I just cant understand it, especially in Texas. Yeah, you know, its funny, because Ill begin this by telling a real quick story in a woman who convinced me to start teaching classes on the Constitution. This is the Khazarian Mafia the CCP once used to be the Soviets is whatever they need to infiltrate. Because if we fork this up, theres nowhere to escape to. If you missed getting bitcoin seven years ago, you wouldnt want to miss this. So when it comes to the mask, I dont put down people dont wear a mask. All along. You can get your patriot Street Fighter gear, Ive got my favorite shirt on tonight. so be warned. Click a Banner Below to Get Started, ~Everything on this site should be considered as entertainment ONLY, nothing else!~. It tells you I go to groups all the time, life liberty, and and then I stop and everybody, always every group I go through pursuit after they know what it says, think about what its saying. Now, what do we have? If it wasnt for the immigrants coming in here, say especially the former Soviet satellite countries, Eastern Bloc countries, people I love these people, former, you know, Eastern Europe, these people are vicious patriots, youre like what in the hell is wrong with you people? This shit ends all of a sudden COVID is gone. no shirt, no masks, no shoes, no service. And after going through the constitution a couple times with me, she says, well, Doug, you really ticked me off. Signing up is free and they only ask for your name and an email address. So as we do the research to come up with the right vaccines to help prevent the continuation of this, how do we get the right information out there? This came from the same intelligence source. Notice: There are affiliate links present on this website, both from the control of Survive the News and from other websites that we do not control. And Ive been digging through some information that I want to bring to your attention. Left Wing Loon Nina Jankowicz Launches Crowfunding Effort to Sue FOX News, Shocker: Poll Finds Most Americans Think Media is too Easy on Biden, is Becoming More Biased, Katie Hobbs Refusing to Execute Convicted Murderer Despite Decision of Arizona Supreme Court, PATHETIC: German Chancellor Meets with Joe Biden in White House Doesnt Have the Guts to Rip Biden for Blowing Up the Nord Stream Gas Pipeline to Germany, 71-Year-Old Man Shoots Back at Armed Robbers in Philly, Emptied His Gun During Shootout. I assured the participants that Gates Foundation is creating algorithms to sift through information on these social media platforms to protect the public from dangerous thoughts and information. Its all been by the executives, presidents, governors, mayors, so on and so forth. The British underestimated the colonists and what they got was a loss of the colonies because the colonists who understand this folks, only 3% actually did the finding only a third of the population, I was actually supporting it. Thank you for your support. Next time someone tries to tell you were going to arrest you say, Okay, give me the statute number. PatriotStreetfighter. I first want you to hear a little bit about his background. Yes, we are going to make these available for purchase. You want me just to acquiesce. The participants discussed mechanisms for controlling disinformation and misinformation by flooding the media with propaganda, quote, good information, imposing penalties for spreading falsehoods and discrediting the anti vaccination movement. And I keep on walking. 45:09 And Im like, thats my church. Thats a comment here out here on the tipping point. I want to see it on the ticket. theyre easier to hurt as animals because thats all they become. Over the last two weeks, Facebook and other social media sites have deep platformed, the author here and many other critics of regulatory corruption and authentic authority, authoritarian public health policies. Because this end happens to be the bottom end happens to be the mouthpiece end of a peace pipe. Asking quote? Constitution radio. I got my be here, that screeching noise I got the arm of my chair rubbing on my desk because I move around and squirm a lot. I will start dialing. But they dont. Anyways, were going to jump into the information that you need. So, you know, based on on this long term experience you have in studying the constitution and where we are now. I know that the american revolution happened when Americans were under the most persecution. Before people have enough its inevitable. Needless to say, that didnt happen. Hey, what made your ad fly or I saw you You went in there and you did her blah, blah, blah. Hes a Federal Reserve combat battles against Federal Reserve as a But anyway, and he says something that I really appreciate. And those police officers over there, started putting their buttons in their shields down and stepping across the line say You know what? Oh, you found it. To address is human society by the way, we got a great guest coming up in the second half that I mentioned that I love and I bring these guys on because these guys are really smart he always made me look good. Good night, everybody. After all, we dont want six soldiers. Thats what our system is all about is what American system is all about, from the free market all the way across to your natural rights and your rights. My wife works in retail she has to wear to work, otherwise she doesnt work and we need and we need the income. Again, who determines the bad actor? And I was unwilling to bend certainly was gonna break, I was gonna do things on my own terms. And, and Ive always been involved in politics, but it wasnt really until the last about now Id say 15 years that Ive really, really gotten involved in the sense of knocking on doors running for office, you know, the radio, all that jazz. And yet to see this beauty Ive seen this this this one before, of Australias ANZ bank, one of the authors of Australias oppressive no jab, no pay policy, take the vaccine or youre not getting any money to survive. People need to understand why what are we there? It is absolutely stunning and startling how he ties biblical prophecy and revelations right into the evidence that theyre showing us. From coming to your home or commercial property for a thorough plumbing inspection to making sure that the job is complete, you can be sure that we, at Keagy's Best Price Plumbing, will meet all of your individual requirements in a timely and budget-friendly manner. thats a broad stroke. Youre going out of business. Yeah. And then when this hit, one of the churches rose like cream to the top man. I dont know. NOTICE: This site is purely a religious organization, anything that seems like political or health based discussion is simply our religious doctrine and beliefs. When I go into the when I go into Costco because I dont want to give the guy at the front door a. 3.22.21 The Tipping Point on Revolution Radio with Scott McKay The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. Its just that in some places, their government doesnt give them access to the rights. These laws are put aside there was a smallpox case of in Massachusetts I cant remember the name of the case off top my head goes like 1905 where counter Massachusetts had made vaccines mandatory and he got always Supreme Court the Supreme Court said that this particular quarter Thurman see all were not Thurman, john Marshall, not the original drummer for john Marshall Thurman, I think or Hammond, something like that. So I turned around face to face with a manager. The whole point is it begins with education, but it ends with action. Kevin McAleese communications officer for the gates funded agricultural products how thats interesting. Everything is inverted everything including the cross that they were the upside down cross, which is the satanic symbol. And you know, he actually acquiesced to the point I was making. I started laughing. almost at a time I do not want to miss repeat one more time the website where they can find you and your work. Im saying put your mask on, Im going to give you the same kind of answer. sector correlation matrix 2021; hamilton, ohio police department; german name generator fantasy. Follow Conspiracy Music Guru Here. Right. Bank of America injuring her putting her on the ground he showed up with his badge and he was going to use it I assure you if I would have walked over and talk to that lady as a police officer, I assure you I would have talked her peacefully right out of the bank and she would have thought this guys I really liked this guy. These frickin criminals. This new regulations are come in place about how we deal with fake news. So which created which? These scumbags work their way into government. You have to be coming unglued by what youre saying? I said well, I the whole point is I cant wear one He says why tell you what now heres where those of you who have been paying attention are going to really hit the floor will let you in without a mask if you get vaccinated. And the people that I always gravitate to, because I always respect I respect intelligence, I love to hang around. Thats your rights. Theres oftentimes a very distinguished looking crowd, you know, pretty women. A Journey Down The Rabbit Hole. The triads are the bloodlines to Emperor Puis, which is why dot dot dot information, it stays in its place for now. The people that do believe somewhere you got to get into fight. While the answer is the states created the federal government, the states existed before the federal government, they created a federal government to centralize some of the processes, specifically, judicial executive branch to carry that out legislative representation from each state. This is what Im telling you, folks, they want the whole show, because this clown thinks there needs to be a central repository of data, facts and key messages, which means what they want to take everybody on earth and categorize every piece of information about you so they can do what you already know what they want to do. And so of course when I went to counter same bullshit, yet another one comes up. They show that gates in team did indeed stimulate or simulate health and economic policies. I get my my my barbecue They just put it on a big piece of brown paper, wrap it up, hand it to you, and you just caught it in the front set of your tables, grab a beer, whatever. Scott McKay, Host of "The Tipping Point" says, we are currently witnessing the systematic destruction of the, "Old Guard" and Scott talks about I cant anyway. 25 myths of the United States Constitution basically helps you unlearn the crap weve been taught. We let them get away with it. SHOW MOREarrow_drop_down Host (s) Scott MacKay RIPR on Mobile Devices 4 years ago Awards 4 years ago Staff 23 years ago Providence Places Regulations On Electric Scooters 4 years ago TGIF: 21 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media 4 years ago 1:50:22 Save the kids. A peace pipe. She didnt engage him at that point, if I remember how that how that humor went, she caught him when he came home. I dont know what you guys faith out there is but I believe in prayer, I believe prayer is at the top of the list. Enjoy. Plus 100,000 AM/FM radio stations featuring music, news, and local sports talk. Now, we will be told well the judges say because its an its an emergency for buddys health. So theres a lot of stuff going on out there folks. The task of identifying every bad actor is a mess. Show more. I never regretted a mask. I dont care. And what hes done. Podcast by:https://scottmckay.us Initiative Q (Better than Bitcoin?) Bear with me. Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. 42. when you dont know john adams said, once liberty is lost, Liberty is lost forever. A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. 23:31 What makes sense? And in fact, shes not even a citizen. Real thinking individuals, people who actually use their intellect, who research study, look at the landscape of society as it exists. Does that mean every school board around the country, every city council, every legislator, every politician, Youre damn right, it does every last one of them. And thats every. Thats what they all say and fork and fork and scumbags, its its generally. Youre nobody you wouldnt get an audience and well talk to you. And I said, I dont have to have one on I said, if you want to get a manager to talk to me, thats fine. The proper definition is to secure my rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Why do you need a PR firm when youre trying to keep something completely hidden from the public? So the health policies and economic policies, we find ourselves in uncharted territory. The insanity which with with which they perpetuate on society, those who dont wear a mask, those who actually are have a have an independent mind or a thinking person, a self determined free person who refuses to bow to tyranny who refuses to be muzzled who refuses a criminal element to perpetuate unlawful and illegal acts on society as a whole. gunshots dover nh; how thick is a stack of 100 dollar bills; June 22, 2022. revolution radio with scott mckay. No surrender is different. And this is no bullshit. where we are right now in this evolution. So Matthew Harrington replies to ingleby ingels Bs question. Because theyre self serving. 1:50:43 We are doing clinical trials in new anti retrovirals. And were in all the and we do our shopping and they stopped me while we were shopping. Now that said, some people will quote Oh, gosh, no shirt, no shoes, no service, why not? By . And Im going to tell you this, I said this before, you Chinese students out there and sitting there waiting for your orders, just understand one thing, if you make that move, just know youre never gonna see your family again, you will never make it home. Where do you think he is today? So if you been on the show before, you know at revolution dot radio, you can always support this network. Why do you think we believe that next point, Chen Wang, an apple research scientist, Google Scholar and worlds leading expert on tracking and tracing and fake facial recognition technology. One of the things that theyve perpetuated onto all of us is, of course, the COVID nightmare. Hawks-Nest Studio-B . Because I realize that some of you folks dont know the things that I take for granted that I know. Then I come to five store executives that are discussing something which Ive never seen before, but somewhere back near the fruit, but the the the beef section. Lets say we brought our founding fathers out right now. Did you not hear me for 45 minutes, so I was arguing with them, they finally decided that the way to get me and keep me from screaming any louder because I was starting to get a little loud and it was starting to you know make the patrons nervous is they brought a wheelchair around one staff members will be around to the back entrance of the hospital, where theres another elevator thats away from everybody because we dont want to affect everybody. I refuse that my track was going to be business I would create a business profile, enough wealth or success that I would have a name that could be recognized and I would have proved myself in a capitalist society. Shipping Policy Were activists, not just advocates, but activists, for our liberty, activists for our freedom. One of the things that we have got, and you and I always get applause for this, when I talked to groups, is we filed a lawsuit against Kamala Harris for being ineligible for office on December 7. Youre missing the rise of human spiritual consciousness, the ascension opportunities. bear with me for a sec. 5:24 They dont they dont care about this being a Christian founded nation, they dont care about freedom, they care about one thing, power and control nothing more. No problem. Yes. Proudly powered by WordPress Yeah, heres something its also very fascinating. So were going to dictate it to you, by the way that comes from john Jacques Rousseau and, 1:30:37 These cowards will buckle belt buckle their drop the bullshit Come on in because I need your money. They were gaming this thing now, and global economic collapse lasting up to a decade compared to the gate simulation. Eastern time. 0. They theyre not principle people. Oh, we were able to finally cheat on that election. Watch Today The Broadcasts that started the Patriot Street Fighter Movement! The hells he doing in this event roleplays the newscaster reporting on government measures. The years that I was actually active in elected politics, working my way, I would say working my way through that the sludge, and climbing over the wreckage that it takes to get into a higher position of elected influence. I said, No, I dont Ive got a National Medical, well, you still have to have a mask. Become A Patron . 2.27.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Dr Sandra & India Update, State Of Ascension with SG Anon. If you are looking for a reliable and experienced plumbing contractor in Springfield, TN, feel free to contact our company today for a professional service that will exceed your expectations. former CIA Deputy Director Avril Haines unveiled a strategy to flood the zone with propaganda from trusted sources, including influential community leaders as well as health workers unquote. Really, youre there to protect my rights. We have noticed that after Chinas theatrical lockdown, they quickly went back to business as usual. Theyre the people that are doing what theyre doing in Israel. They knew who she was the point they call the police. But looking back at history, well, lets just see what the future brings. He was self-taught and extremely accommodating to everyone who had a need. I dont have a right to be happy. 25:30 We cant achieve it. Next thing she knows shes having skin burning sensations, heart palpitations, all kinds of stuff happening to her said theyre using an energy weapon on her microwave weapon. 1:48:00 For the Vaccinated: NANO SOMA* 1:53:54 This is a huge problem thats going to keep us from ending the pandemic and might even lead to the fall of governments, as we saw in the Arab Spring, if the solution means controlling and reducing access to information, I think its the right choice. Every Saturday and the title of the show is well appropriate, appropriately enough. God knew what I was looking for. I wish everybody would wear one. Its going to be delivered in a way, the day twos. You know whats harsh. Anyways, this kazarian bat these kazarian banking elites took over on 12 February 1912. Now, lets get back to the constitutional part about this. 1:31:07 And in September, when I got to my appointment, I get to the front door and for my appointment to find out why I cannot wear a face mask. And now what happens is, I dont know if its the same day or days later. went to work on them. as well. Dwight Lilly. See, they think theyve got us now. Anyways, theres a transcript here, but I just walked you through how serious these people Learn how serious the scumbag criminals are. So there you go. Believe it or not, the Postal Service is so awesome that it took that letter to go across town from February 6 that arrived at the White House on March 6, the president of the Office of the Vice President signed for on the ninth thats when the clock started ticking that she has to respond if she doesnt respond within a certain amount of time. They can be prosecuted civilly and criminally under the color of law. Because theyre not afraid to you. Standing by while this happens is like paying the cannibals to eat you last, youre gonna get gone anyways. This is not what we offer. It shows that the virus had burned itself out by one of June 2022 months after Chinas brief lockdowns ended, and no one was spreading it. And when they start dictating to you, and saying, Oh, well, we know youre the will of people better than you do. Catch up on local news events. Trevor Griffith was a 1999 graduate of Ridgewood High School and the evening announcer for WTNS AM/FM radio stations. 1:31:34 35:35 I do have a right to pursue it. Stream live CNN, FOX News Radio, and MSNBC. Once I get there I go up to the glass, its a double glass plus the person has Plexiglas between the glass and then plus theyre wearing two masks.